Weather in Hurzuf. Actual conditions and forecast

Map of wind conditions for Hurzuf area

Map of Hurzuf temperature forecast

1. You can zoom in to Hurzuf using the '+' button, or check temperatures around the globe by the '-' button.
2. Besides this, you can grab the map by your mouse button and move it to see the temperature in other regions.
This temperature map is centered around Hurzuf. The map is real-time and interactive.

Rain forecast for Hurzuf area

1. Using the control panel above this map, you can check the rain forecast for Hurzuf for any period within next 10 days.
2. Via the top control panel, you can check the following weather parameters: Temperature, Cloud cover, Precipitation, Wind and Pressure.
This precipitation forecast map is centered around Hurzuf. The map is also real-time and interactive.
Hurzuf - guide chapters 1 2 3 4 5
More to see in Hurzuf
A small picturesque resort is a place of a number of outstanding sights, therefore, holidaymakers have the opportunity to make a worthy excursion program. Since ancient times, Gurzuf has attracted creative personalities. Hundreds of years ago, literary figures and artists came here in search of inspiration. An important historical symbol of the resort is the house Richelieu - a beautiful manor of the early 19th century, which today is the location of the "A.C. Pushkin Museum". It was in this estate that Pushkin lived during his visit to Gurzuf. It is worth noting that to this day the building has remained practically unchanged, it is located on the territory of the beautiful Gurzuf Park. Annually on June 6 - the birthday of A.C. Pushkin - a beautiful literary holiday is held here. House-Museum of A.P. Chekhov also deserves the attention of travelers interested in history and Russian literature. The place of its location was a small white cottage, which the locals call "Belaya Dacha". Chekhov was sent to Gurzuf in 1898 on the advice of doctors. The writer spent the last years of his life here. The museum was converted into a historical building in 1921. Thanks to the efforts of locals during the war, it was possible to preserve the priceless collection, so contemporaries have a unique opportunity to see Chekhov's personal belongings and manuscripts. Fans of painting will be more interested in "K.A. Korovin's dacha", a famous artist of the early 20th century. His dacha, … Read further

Hurzuf guide chapters

Cuisine and top restaurants

Among the classic Ukrainian dishes is popular aromatic and rich borsch with lard or dumplings, one plate of this hearty dish can satisfy you all day. Local chefs prepare a lot of interesting culinary masterpieces from meat and poultry. In each national restaurant guests are offered "vareniki" with cherries and elegant sweet pies. There is also a lot of ethnic Crimean Tatars in Gurzuf, whose cuisine somewhat … Open

Travel guide to Hurzuf

In 2007, the Assumption Cathedral was built. The first church at its site was built several hundred years ago. In 1935, it was completely destroyed. The military sanatorium was constructed at its site. Not so long ago, the city government decided to restore this old church. It was rebuilt in accordance with all the traditions of the Russian and Byzantium style. Near the temple, there is the beautiful park where … Open

Advices for travellers

6. The most popular souvenirs for guests of the resort are paintings with images of natural attractions, crafts and ornaments from shells, as well as muscatel wine. Of special value is homemade wine, it should be chosen with great care. Honest salesmen always offer before buying, to try out the wine. 7. In Gurzuf, vacationers are presented with a decent choice of hotels and guesthouses for every taste and … Open

Attractions and active leisure

A separate attraction of the resort village is the embankment, which is ideal for leisurely walks. At the height of the tourist season on the waterfront there is always a lively atmosphere, the guests of the resort come here to admire the coast and buy memorable gifts. On the waterfront are the most popular restaurants and bars where you can dine, dance, listen to music or just sit on the terrace while admiring the … Open

Cultural excursion through Hurzuf - things to see

House-Museum of A.P. Chekhov also deserves the attention of travelers interested in history and Russian literature. The place of its location was a small white cottage, which the locals call "Belaya Dacha". Chekhov was sent to Gurzuf in 1898 on the advice of doctors. The writer spent the last years of his life here. The museum was converted into a historical building in 1921. Thanks to the efforts of locals during … Open

Hurzuf sightseeing

The resort is famous for its unique nature; in the heart of Gurzuf there is the Genoese rock and the Chaliapin rock, and in the bay waters the mysterious cliffs of Adalara rise. The first settlements on the territory of the modern city appeared more than 40 thousand years ago. On the Genoese rock, the ruins of the fortress of Gorzuvita, which was built during the reign of the Byzantine emperor Justinian, were … Open

Weather in the region of Hurzuf

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