While communicating with Skiathos inhabitants remember that they have different gestures. For example, don’t pretend like you are brushing off the dust of the lapel of the jacket. Locals can perceive it as an insult. When locals want to say «no», they raise their eyebrows and their whole head upwards, while softly clicking with their tongue. When Greeks signal to somebody to join them, they extend their arms with their palms facing downwards. Greeks touch or pat the lower lip with the index finger when they want to say something.
Beautiful beaches are among the distinctive features of Skiathos. Lalaria Beach is one of the most popular on the island. This beach is named after snow-white pebble-stone covering it and is …
Greeks love to interrupt each other, raise their voice and touch people during a conversation. Skiathos inhabitants freely express their emotions. They can easily start to sing in a park or public transport. During a meal, Greeks don’t stop chatting and laughing, they can easily turn over a plate with food. In short, locals don’t follow etiquette. If a Greek has invites you to his house, it doesn’t mean that you will have a meal there.
Locals prefer to get the most of life. That is the reason why Skiathos is filled with relaxed atmosphere and you forget about all your working problems here. Greeks will never work hard and waste their energy to earn money. You won't meet workaholics on Skiathos. If a Greek gets a large sum of money, he will never bring the money to a bank. He will spend it on useless things or he will feast on the whole world. Copyright www.orangesmile.com
Widespread construction of hotels and inns on the island has begun only recently, but it's not too difficult to find a decent place to stop on Skiathos. Among luxurious hotels of the island, …
Local inhabitants love to gather around the table with family and friends in favourite taverns. They drink local alcohol, have a meal and chat under the folk music and dances. However, you won't find drunk people on the streets of Skiathos. The reason is that invariable behaviour is a disgrace for Greeks and foreigners. So, if you don’t want to be condemned by locals, try to control yourself. Moreover, try to dress modestly and don’t walk in a bikini on the streets of Skiathos. Those Greeks who live in decent villages are conservative people.
![Vasilias beach in Skiathos, bathed in hues of blue, pink, and orange Vasilias beach in Skiathos, bathed in hues of blue, pink, and orange]()
If you want to win the favour of a Greek person, say something pleasant about Skiathos or show that you know some historical facts about Greece. Greeks are great patriots but they often criticize their government, but you should never do the same. Locals can't stand when foreigners speak ill of Greece. It is customed on Skiathos to greet everyone entering a public place such as a shop or a tavern.
One of the most popular souvenirs from Skiathos is a bottle of olive oil. It is widely produced and used on Skiathos. It is not obvious because you won't find a Greek kitchen without a …
Greeks always teach people and give morals. It is getting worse with age. However, elderly people are highly respected here. Many Greeks live with their parent up to thirty. Local men love to flirt with women and compliment them. They are even not embarrassed by the presence of their wife or girlfriend. Skiathos inhabitants are orthodox people. They celebrate the Independence Day, the Epiphany in January and the Carnival in February. The Carnival has its roots in the ancient festival of Dionysus. During the fest, people are dressed in costumes so they cant be recognized by their friends. They visit houses, collect money, drink local alcohol, sing and dance.
Skiathos Island - guide chapters
National traditions of Greece

The Greeks are very hospitable. The country has a huge number of foreigners, and they are treated in a very liberal manner. The Greek invitation is quite specific. It does not mean that you will eat together. If the Greek did not ask to be called by the first name, it’s better to use the last name. When communicating with a stranger, it is better to keep some distance. In this country, the links between generations are appreciated. Women have a great influence on the life of the family. As a rule, they are the leaders. For a man, the best meal is that his mother cooks. Husbands, although they do not admit this, often give the reins to the hands of their wives. Greece has a siesta, which is a break for a daytime nap. It usually lasts from 1pm to 4-5pm.