Maps of Kazakhstan

Detailed map Kazakhstan
The actual dimensions of the Kazakhstan map are 2073 X 2263 pixels, file size (in bytes) - 843816. You can open, print or download it by clicking on the map or via this link: Open the map of Kazakhstan.

Maps of cities and regions of Kazakhstan

More to see in Kazakhstan
The local people follow many interesting traditions and customs. For example, during a year they celebrate various entertaining and colorful national holidays, each of which has its own history. Family relations are very important for the Kazakhs, so everything that concerns their relatives is always the most important for them. The elders are always treated with much respect. They also have the final word in the family. Young people talk to the older generation when they seek a wise counsel or need a teaching. The opinion of the head of a family is always true and indisputable. Child’s birth is considered the greatest happiness for the young family. Especially for this occasion a family organizes a big celebration. When a baby makes its first step, it is also considered a great event. On this day the baby’s parents serve a lush table and invite an old man to the house. His task is to cut the ribbons entangling the baby’s feet. It is believed that after such ritual the baby will grow strong and healthy. The locals are distinguished by hospitability and cordiality. They have many rituals and customs connected with reception of guests. Meat has always been considered the main holiday meal, but lamb occupies a special role. The lamb meat is boiled in large pieces and divided …

Traditions in Kazakhstan

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