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Individual travel guides

Lahti travel guide
Lahti is a town in Finland that is also the center of the Päijänne Tavastia administrative province in Southern Finland. Lahti is located on the southern bank of Vesijärvi Lake, in the bay zone. The population of the city estimated over 100 thousand of people in 2008. This town became popular in 1923, when it was chosen as the destination for conducting international ski championships. Each year Lahti welcomes international festivals of jazz and organ music, poster exhibitions, seminars … Read further
Cuisine of Chester
Even most demanding gourmets will appreciate the variety of restaurants in Chester. The city has more than two hundreds of different dining places, so each tourist would be able to find a suitable place to dine. A popular holiday destination among foreign visitors is the Turkish restaurant Istanbul BBQ. Its skilled chefs prepare attractive barbecue dishes; special attention should be paid to grilled fish and delicious meat dishes. The Istanbul BBQ restaurant offers delicious barbecue and it is … Read further
Traditions and festivals in Nurnberg
Cultural life in Nuremberg is rich in bright and remarkable holidays and festivals which are fully reflecting traditions and customs of local folks. The Volksfest festival is at best reflects the passion of local people to beer. The festival is held two times per year. Commonly the festival is attended by more than a million of foreign guests. Tasting of popular beer sorts, rich tables with plenty of treats, excellent entertaining program in local pubs and beer restaurants turn the festival into … Read further
Zaporozhye cultural sights
Zaporizhia is a large industrial city, one of the most important industrial centers of Ukraine. It does not at all resemble those industrial cities that were actively rebuilt during the Soviet period. Many shady avenues are broken on the banks of the Dnieper, and all the streets of the city, not to mention the parks and squares, are simply buried in the abundance of greenery. Right after DneproGES there is a small area, which locals call Sotsgorod. This is the very realm, where the architectural … Read further
Livorno attractions and entertainment
Among Livorno's most popular entertainment centers, it is worth highlighting L’Acquario comunale Diacinto Cestoni, an aquarium named after the famous Italian naturalist of the 17th century. It is housed in a unique historic building, which was originally used by a heliotherapy center. In 1937, the building was reconstructed to open an aquarium, which remains one of the largest in Italy. The latest major reconstruction was completed about 20 years ago. The aquarium got several new … Read further
Winnipeg for families and kids
Winnipeg will pleasantly surprise vacationers with children with a variety of entertainment. It will be worth starting a family excursion program with a visit to the Assiniboine Park Zoo. It occupies a large territory, which is conditionally divided into several thematic zones. There is a zone dedicated to Arctic where you can see polar bears, and there is a beautiful tropical pavilion in which you can admire butterflies. The zoo is very beautifully decorated, and has many interesting monuments … Read further
Shopping in Lubeck
Lübeck has a lot of interesting specialty stores, and Niederegger is the one offering wonderful locally made marzipan. It has a cozy cafe and is located near the Market Square, under one roof with the Marzipan Museum. The selection of sweets presented is really great, from dozens of marzipan candies to chocolate with marzipan. A beautiful box of chocolates will cost customers about 6 euros. In the cafe, visitors can try signature cakes and pastries. An institution symbolic for the city is … Read further
Extreme and fun in Larnaca
Larnaca provides plenty of ways to turn holidays into an unforgettable adventure. Time is limited but you want to see as many sights and picturesque places as possible? Instead of traditional tour buses try to use local auto rickshaw services. More traditional forms of transport can be taken on Finikoudes Promenade . Rickshaws usually offer their customers two options for a sightseeing tour. Historal Tour route passes through the city center and ends at the ancient port, and the City Center … Read further

Most exotic spots on the planet for travel gourmet

Veneration. The most iconic temples in the world

The opportunity to hear fascinating sounds of ancient organs, see unique religious and artistic relics, as well as beautiful icons with faces of saints seem incredibly boring and uninteresting events? Well, you have not yet visited the most magnificent temples of the planet. These are not just religious buildings, which, among others, only highlight a huge scale and an impressive age. These are truly unique and symbolic monuments of history, each of which keeps its secret. Travellers who want to visit world famous temples have an opportunity to learn a lot of incredible romantic stories and legends, to see world-famous religious relics and precious ornaments. Unique temples exist literally in every country, and each of them has a special history. … Read further

Elite collectors. Strange, weird and unusual museums amusing its visitors

Paintings with incomprehensible motives, archaeological finds, hidden under the thickness of armored glass and decayed historical documents - what exhibits are you used to see in modern museums? Not every contemporary, having even the most violent imagination can imagine, that it is possible to form a unique collection from ordinary rubbish, old beer cans, workshops of fakes or strands of hair. In fact, such museums exist not in the inflamed imagination of dreamy people, they are real. A visit to one of such original cultural institutions can be an unforgettable and cognitive event. In the world, there are a lot of strange and original museums, which will be especially interesting to those who do not like classical and boring excursions. … Read further

¡No pasarán! Amazing ancient fortresses рreserved to this day

Visiting castles and palaces is a must for many excursion programs. Majestic old castles have long attracted fans of history and those who prefer to walk in unusual places. Some castles are sights of world significance, others house world famous hotels, restaurants and even wineries nowadays. Some castles are famous for ghosts living in their walls. Thousands of curious tourists are waiting to see them. All the castles are incredibly different and have their own history. But there are some that have a very important distinctive feature - a solid age. The planet has preserved several unique fortresses that are in a dignified state and are preparing to celebrate (and some have already celebrated) the millennium anniversary. Some of the ancient fortresses are well known throughout the world, while only a few experienced travellers know about other thousand-year-old castles. … Read further

Dreams of a vacationer. The most beautiful islands on the planet

Beaches, surrounded by dense tropical vegetation, an abundance of exotic plants and animals, waterfalls hidden among dense greenery and trees with exotic fruits - this must be an ideal island for relaxation. A significant part of tourists are attracted to comfortable islands with modern hotels and infrastructure, while others, on the contrary, are in search of quiet uninhabited islands far from civilization. Some of the islands are very popular among travellers, they are a place of amazing natural and historical attractions, unusual hotels and beautiful beaches. Absolutely uninhabited and quiet, completely converted into resort complexes that preserved their identity - the most beautiful islands of the planet are very different and - we can't argue with that - they are all incredibly attractive. … Read further

Greetings from ancestors. Top survived pyramids from previous civilizations

The oldest temples, landmarks for alien ships, tombs of the great pharaohs and calendars of astronomical events are just a few of the presumptive options for assigning mysterious pyramids. If the pyramids of Giza nowadays are known to thousands of enthusiastic tourists, then about the existence and exact location of some other pyramids know only researchers. Dozens of pyramids located everywhere in the world were found on the planet for the last hundred years. To see some of them, you need to go through steep mountain passes, others are hidden behind a string of lifeless desert landscapes or completely flooded with the waters of the world's ocean. To say that pyramids with a thousand-year-old history hide a lot of secrets means to say nothing. The mere fact, that thousands of years ago mankind was able to erect such majestic structures seems incredible. Time and elements do not dominate over the grandiose constructions. Each of them has its own hidden and unexplored purpose. … Read further

Furuncles of the Earth. Majestic and spectacular craters and crater lakes

Fragments of meteorites, turbulent lava, thick age-old forests and fabulously beautiful lakes - what else can you see in the most majestic craters of the planet? Serious geological catastrophes such as volcanic eruptions and meteorite falls led to their formation. Volcanic and meteorite craters can now be found literally on all continents and even in miniature archipelagoes, among sky-blue waters of oceans, but not all of them have unique features. Some craters hide wonderful lakes behind their high slopes, others keep unique botanical gardens and tropical forests. In some craters, you can find fragments of ancient buildings, and in others - ruins of once secret military bases. Travel on the way to one of the amazing craters, one can never foresee what amazing discoveries await on the way. … Read further
All series over unique places on our planet

Most popular cities to visit this year

The city of love is not just a place where you will be able to enjoy an unforgettable romantic holiday. This beautiful city has prepared a myriad of attractions for its visitors. Numerous beautiful churches of different styles and periods will make you feel the genius of architects and builders. … Open travel guide to Paris
The Eternal City has attracted the attention of millions of people for more than 2000 years. It is still one of the most beautiful and romantic cities in the world. Rome is the essence of “dolce vita”. Numerous clothing stores by Italian designers, ice cream, creamy cappuccino and fine wines - … Open travel guide to Rome
The capital of the UK is visited by millions of tourists a year. There is nothing strange in that as London is home to an incredible number of attractions, wonderful old houses, fantastic museums, large and beautiful parks and, of course, the unique British charm. London is a very old city. In 43 AD … Open travel guide to London
Berlin is one of the biggest cities in Europe (its population is 3.4 million of people). Perhaps, this is also one of the most fashionable and constantly changing cities of the region. Berlin has been chosen the capital of Germany since 1990. However, in reality the city still consists of 2 parts. … Open travel guide to Berlin
East is East and West is West, and never the twain shall meet... wrote Rudyard Kipling in one of his poems. However, there is a place on Earth, where this wise statement simply doesn’t work, and where East and West not only meet, but also co-exist peacefully. This place is Istanbul, which lies … Open travel guide to Istanbul
In this city visitors will find not only ancient places of interest, but also modern sights. In other words, Barcelona is a city that can easily suit the needs and tastes of every tourist. The most comfortable way of visiting numerous sights of Barcelona is traveling in a special tourist bus, which … Open travel guide to Barcelona
Madrid is the capital and the largest city of Spain. This is also the capital of the autonomous province that has the same name. The current population of the city is about 5.5 million people. Madrid is inseparable from its history, but today, in the beginning of the XXI century, this is primarily a … Open travel guide to Madrid
Prague is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. The city is divided into two parts by the Vltava River. Together with Athens, Rome, Paris and London, Prague belongs to the oldest metropolises of Europe. Nowadays, its former beauty is back - access to all the sights is open again, and the … Open travel guide to Prague
Florence is the capital of the beautiful and very popular Italian province of Tuscany. This place is situated on the banks of the River Arno. This city has given birth to the Renaissance style. Florence is a city of Michelangelo and Machiavelli, a precious place full of works of art, culture and … Open travel guide to Florence
Bangkok is a bright and unforgettable city, the territory of which estimates approximately 560 sq. km, and its population is more than 9 million people. Despite its damp climate and inevitable chaos on the roads, Bangkok is definitely a very interesting place to visit. This city is famous for its … Open travel guide to Bangkok
Without a doubt, Old Krakow belongs to the most beautiful cities of not only Poland, but also the whole Europe. The beautiful metropolis, situated on the banks of the Vistula River, is known worldwide for its cultural and historical monuments. In this city one will find approximately 5,000 medieval … Open travel guide to Krakow
Buenos Aires
Buenos Aires
The capital of Argentina has the full right to be called the liveliest city in South America. Life here does not stop even for a second. Corrientes Avenue is the place where tourists will find numerous cafes, kiosks, theatres, and shops. All of them are opened from morning till night. Even buses go … Open travel guide to Buenos Aires
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