We should start our story about the peculiarities of the national cuisine of Almaty from the description of its beverages because every meal starts and ends with drinks. Fans of dairy products should certainly try koumiss and ayran. These drinks are not only tasty and refreshing, but also very healthful - true elixirs of youth. Tea is a popular drink in the region. As a rule, the tea in the country is mixed with milk, dried fruits and herbs. Tea with milk has the full right to be called a separate dish – this great drink quenches hunger. Meat dishes occupy an honorable place in the national cuisine. By the way, there are many interesting rituals connected with cooking of meat. As a rule, meat here is boiled in large pieces, and once it is served on a table, the owner of a house starts dividing it among the house’s guests. It should be noted that no garnishes are usually served with meat dishes. You can order sorpa in addition to boiled meat. Sorpa consists of broth and small dough pies. The majority of modern national restaurants serve not only the traditional dishes of Kazakh cuisine, but also Uzbek, Tatar and Russian cuisines. Despite such apparent confusion of culinary traditions, all the dishes are different from their "classical versions". The local chefs manage to add the Kazakh manner even to the dishes from Uighur cuisine. In addition to the truly excellent meat delicacies the local gastronomic facilities offer their guests to taste various interesting fish
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