Relief map of Belarus

Relief map of Belarus
The actual dimensions of the Belarus map are 2000 X 1125 pixels, file size (in bytes) - 1011741. You can open, print or download it by clicking on the map or via this link: Open the map of Belarus.

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Maps of major cities in Belarus

More to see in Belarus
Brest is one of the oldest Belarusian cities along with Vitebsk, Turov and Polotsk. According to one of the local legends, originally on its territory was an ancient temple dedicated to the pagan god Veles, and later in its place a fortress was built. After that, Brest became a border town-fortress on the bank of the Western Bug. In the Middle Ages, it was located on the border of the Polish and Lithuanian principalities, which is the reason for its important geopolitical role. Brest actively developed as a trading city. When these lands were under the rule of the Lithuanian principality, Brest after Vilna was considered the largest populated area. This is the first Belarusian city that received the Magdeburg right or the right to self-government. The inhabitants of the city were not only exempted from paying heavy feudal duties, but they could also choose their own magistrate. It was in this city that the first synagogue was opened, which for many centuries was the richest in the territory of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. The Lithuanian prince Vitovt granted special privileges to the Jews, and therefore they considered Brest the most comfortable city for living in Belarus. In many ways, Brest can be considered an advanced city, since it was here that the first …

Traditions and festivals in Belarus

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