Gomel is one of the most ancient cities on the Belarusian land; no one knows the exact date of its foundation. It arose in those times when people still did not know written language and hardly had idea of any chronology. The first settlements arose on a hill that was located at the confluence of the rivers Iputi and Sozh. The hill was not only one of the most beautiful places but it also occupied a very advantageous geographical position. Over the centuries, the tribes succeeded each other until finally the territory was occupied by the Radimichi. In those days the main city of their tribe was Gomiy.
As in any big city, there are many places in Gomel where you can have a good rest and satisfy the feeling of hunger. From the variety of cafes and restaurants available to travelers, you …
Residents engaged in hunting and fishing; these fisheries for many years formed the basis of the activities of the indigenous population. After the collapse of Kievan Rus, Gomiy began to pay tribute to Chernigov princes, who immediately identified this cozy and well-fortified settlement from among the rest. Despite its modest size, the town had a fine craftsmanship. In addition, it was located in a surprisingly beautiful area.
Soon Gomel fell under the rule of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, and then of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. During this period it became a serious military and commercial center. The territory of Gomel is continuously expanding and supplemented by new fortifications. In the XVII century, he received the Magdeburg law and became self-governed, an innovation that opened a lot of new prospects for the city. After the first partition of Poland, the city went under the rule of the Russian Empire, and at the end of the 19th century, through Gomel, the way from St. Petersburg to Kiev was paved. Copyright www.orangesmile.com
Gomel is a very charming Belarusian city, full of unspeakable charm. Many visitors of the city prefer to stroll through its picturesque streets in the evening, because in the light of the …
At this time in the city 17 thousand people lived already 17, but the fire which suddenly collapsed on it brought serious adjustments in the way of life. Almost completely burnt out, the city was quickly restored, and soon it became a major railway junction. Industry actively developed here and the population grew. The territory of the city began to elevate, conduct water supply, put gas lights on the streets and tar the central streets with stone. In 1926, Gomel was annexed to Belarus. Not only industrial enterprises, but also educational institutions, cinemas, theaters, hospitals, research institutes were built here. Now Gomel is a large Belarusian city, which is located near the border with Ukraine. It is quite old and beautiful; there are many interesting things here.
The important symbol of the city is St. Nicholas Monastery. It was founded in 1905 and today is the only working friary in Gomel. The monastery has a great value from an architectural point of view. It houses a lot of old icons and other religious relics. Now, there is a Sunday school and a library with rare books on the territory of the monastery. In 2007, the fragments of St. Nicholas’s relics were delivered to this historical monastery from Italy. Now, it is an important pilgrimage center.
1. One of the most popular hotels in Gomel is located in the railway station building. It is ideal for travelers who expect to spend a couple of days in the city; it is not difficult to get …
In the city, there are a lot of old beautiful preserved buildings. The excursions around the Hunting Lodge are very popular too. This is a former summer residence of N. Rumyantsev built in the early 19th century. Now, this old building has an atmosphere of the past and houses the interesting collection of antique furniture and pieces of art. In this noble manor, you can see the personal belongings of their former owners. In summer, the visitors of the museum will have an opportunity to walk along the picturesque garden.
One of the most mysterious historical attractions in Gomel is the Look-out Tower built of brick. The exact date of its construction is not known, which gives ground for multiple legends and mysterious stories. Some historians agree on the view that the tower is a preserved part of the old sugar factory. The tower is almost 40 m high. Some of its fragments are made of beautiful red brick that was quite expensive in the last centuries. Several years ago, underground rooms were found under the tower, which gave rise to new questions and insoluble riddles.
As in any big city, there are many places in Gomel where you can have a good rest and satisfy the feeling of hunger. From the variety of cafes and restaurants available to travelers, you …
In Gomel, there is the fabulous Puppet Theatre that will impress not only tourists with children, but also all the fans of theatrical performances. This theatre was opened in 1968. Its founder was Victor Chernyaev. Now, many performances are held for little tourists. Belarus dramatic shows are often held here. The theatre is also notable for its nearby territory decorated in an unusual way. At its entrance, you can see sculptures of famous fairy-tale characters, which pictures the visitors like taking.
Gomel - guide chapters
Sightseeing in Belarus: things to see

The capital of the country, Minsk, is also the biggest culture centre of Belarus. The most famous landmarks of the city include Troitskoye Predmestye, Jesuit Collegium, Kalvaryja Church, the Church of Maria Magdalena, the Church of Alexander Nevsky, the Church of Holy Trinity, the Cathedral of Holy Spirit, Mason House, Pishchalauski Castle and Loshitskij Park and mansion. Almost all of these memorial places were constructed to celebrate an important historic event. As the majority of sights in Minsk are old, they exhibit numerous ancient artefacts, priceless icons and relics, so an excursion to any of the abovementioned places will be truly interesting and educative. The most popular museum in Minsk are Belarus National Museum of History and Culture, Belarus State Art Museum, the Museum of Ancient Art, the Museum of World War II, the Museum of National Architecture and the Museum of Stones in Uruchie.