Maps of Algeria

Detailed map Algeria
The actual dimensions of the Algeria map are 972 X 991 pixels, file size (in bytes) - 168042. You can open, print or download it by clicking on the map or via this link: Open the map of Algeria.
Map  Algeria
The actual dimensions of the Algeria map are 466 X 350 pixels, file size (in bytes) - 28382. You can open, print or download it by clicking on the map or via this link: Open the map of Algeria.
Detailed map Algeria
The actual dimensions of the Algeria map are 978 X 1172 pixels, file size (in bytes) - 330273. You can open, print or download it by clicking on the map or via this link: Open the map of Algeria.
More to see in Algeria
The coast of the Mediterranean Sea in Algeria is the location of an interesting settlement named Oran. This is the main port city in the country and one of the fastest developing centers of culture and commerce in Algeria. The territory of the city is conventionally divided into two parts, one of which is the historic city center with numerous architectural attractions, and the other part is newer because it was built by the French in the 19th century. Besides numerous attractions for any taste, Oran is famous for its amazing beaches that are perfect for a summer vacation. Finally, the picturesque nature of the region is one more advantage of this Algerian city. During the Roman Empire period, there was already a small settlement on the site of modern Oran. However, when the Arabian troops conquered the Maghreb, the settlement was destroyed. A new town appeared on the same site only at the beginning of the 10th century. Oran was the name of this settlement established by the Andalusian Mauritians. The Jews from Andalusia and Mallorca migrated to Oran in 1391. A hundred years later, the Spanish established their authority in the town. They are widely recognized as the second founders of Oran. In 1790, a devastating earthquake almost completely ruined the city. The French …

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