Local people are very sensitive to the customs of their ancestors. It’s hard to find such a large number of interesting traditions and national holidays in any other city in Poland. Every year in June locals celebrate the holiday called "procession of Lajkonik". A rider wearing Tatar national costume makes a solemn procession on the streets of the city. Local residents greet him with enthusiastic cheers, and escort to the Market Square. This is the way the Poles celebrate their victory over the Tatar-Mongols, who were defeated in 1241. Puppet shows are very popular in the city. Not only children, but also adults come to see them. Often the presentations are devoted to religious themes. Puppet shows are usually organized in large urban areas. Most often such amusing performances can be seen on Christmas Eve, when all residents gather at Krakow’s Market Square. It should be noted that many fascinating stories are connected with this square. It is believed that a herald trumpet, who was on duty on the square, was the first person who warned the residents of the city of the approaching Tatar army. During a year a huge number of festivals and important cultural events take place in Krakow. These events attract travelers from all over the world. So, on April is conducted the Festival of student songs - one of the most anticipated and funny events for youth. The festival entitled "Music in Old Krakow", which is usually held in late August, also attracts music lovers.
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