Fans of exciting excursions should definitely visit the Kara-Tobe Museum located on top of the namesake hill. This hill has a great value from an archeological point of view. The ruins of the Greek and Scythian settlements were found on its top. Today, the museum houses archeological exhibits found here. It is located in the historic building that belonged to the Black Sea Fleet. Today, there is an excellent viewing platform on the roof of the historic building. The most beautiful religious monument is the Cathedral of St. Elijah located on Revolution Square. This cathedral was built at the beginning of the 20th century. It is one of the few religious constructions in the region that were not destroyed after the Revolution. It has been recently reconstructed, so tourists can view it in all its glory now. In the surroundings of the resort, there is the ostrich farm called Sergiyev Posad. Tours to this farm are very popular with tourists with children. Besides ostriches, you can see here pheasants and quails. There is a big cage with deer. The entire territory of the complex is open for visitors. They have an opportunity to care for animals themselves and see the friendliest dwellers. Besides famous Sassanian Lake, one of the main nature attractions of the resort is salt lake Sasyk-Sivash. The water here is beautiful pink because of rare minerals and crystal salt deposits. For many years, healing salt and mud had been produced from the lake. At one time, they
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