All the conditions are created for fans of the "noble game" - namely, excellent Gradi Golf Club. In addition to the game itself, you can enjoy excellent views that make the heart of anyone who decides to visit the center beat faster. Those wishing to climb the mountains will like a climbing wall in Fabryczna Boulder. Get unforgettable experience from visiting Park Linowy Opatowicka zipline - this type of leisure …
A significant event is held in the middle of June - namely, the City Day involving many festivals. These are Wrocławski Festiwal Dobrego Piwa at Stadion Wrocław where you can taste the most interesting and tasty beers (including craft drinks), as well as learn a lot of new information about its production, Quijoteando, a festival of Spanish culture on the square next to Zaułek Solny, and Kuźniki Festival, a …
Those who prefer apartment-like accommodation options should visit the AS Apartments. The hotel is situated in a wonderful townhouse near Market Square. All its rooms are equipped with antique furniture and decorated with old paintings. The beautiful drapery of light fabrics and exquisite chandeliers in the style of past years gives each room a special and romantic atmosphere. Each of the seven rooms of the hotel …
7. A significant part of local residents can communicate quite well in English and German, so the problem of language barrier is not so noticeable in Wroclaw. Nevertheless, tourists are recommended to take a phrase book to a trip. A few phrases spoken in the native language will surely help to win respect from the locals and is a perfect manifestation of interest for other cultures.
8. Beer remains …
One accommodation option that is special in so many respects is the hotel Karczma Rzym. It is located in one of the quietest and most picturesque areas of Wroclaw. The hotel occupies a wonderful old building with a tiled roof. It should also be pointed out that the hotel is thematic and is dedicated to the work of the outstanding Polish poet Adam Mickiewicz. The hotel makes available 15 unique rooms for the …
In the beautiful modern skyscraper, whose height is 212 meters, Sky Tower Wroclaw shopping center settled down. It occupies several floors of a high-rise building and units shops of the most famous and popular world brands. The most affluent townspeople and guests of Wroclaw make purchases here. Trendies will surely be delighted with a variety of designer boutiques, cosmetics and perfumery stores, and elite jewelry …
Moving around in Poland - transportation
The railway is stretched across the largest cities of Poland, connecting small provinces. Thus, you can easily travel between the most remote regions of the country by train. It is worth noting that Poland has a fairly extensive grouping of trains depending on their class and speed of movement. This ultimately determines the cost of the ticket. Please note that “Express” trains leave from the initial to the final point without stops, allowing you to arrive at the necessary city quickly. All international trains that run the rail network are mostly in fairly decent condition. They regularly undergo maintenance, so cases of breakages are rare. The insides of the wagons (even the sedentary type) are maintained to the maximum cleanliness and neatness. All information on the movement of trains in Poland can be obtained from the dispatcher by calling the railway station.
Economy roadmap of Poland
It cannot be said that the global crisis of 2007 did not affect Poland in any way. However, GDP in this country did not fall, but instead made meager increments of 0.1%; but it increased. It is worth noting that the local population of Poland over the past two decades has developed a fundamentally different attitude towards the state’s financial situation as well as their own. Now every citizen is trying to get as much profit as possible from various changes in the external and domestic economy. Optimal conditions have been created in the republic, even for the development of medium and small scale businesses. This also yields a commensurate benefit when calculating annual GDP. According to the World Bank rating, Poland is ranked 25th in the world rating of countries for optimal business conditions. Please note that only 7 years ago, Poland ranked 80th in the same poll.