Wolfsburg is a city located in Germany, in Lower Saxony (Niedersachsen), on Mittellandkanal that is south to the old riverbed of the Aller River. The population of the city estimated 121 thousand of people in 2010. This makes Wolfsburg one of the largest cities in Germany. Wolfsburg is referred to those cities that have been founded in the beginning of the 20th century. The city’s birthday is considered …
Wolfsburg is known as a major industrial center with Volkswagen's largest manufacturing plant as its main attraction. Guided tours of the plant are organized for all comers. Curious visitors can see the main manufacturing department, as well as the world's largest car assembly line. The length of the line reaches 9 kilometers, and since the plant occupies a large area, tours of the object are held on buses. …
Shoppers will also have a chance to devote time to their hobby, as Wolfsburg can boast of a huge number of shopping malls and markets. The most popular shopping complex is Designer outlets where 45 shopping pavilions are open. A large selection of clothes and shoes, accessories, tableware, household items, and children's products at dumping prices attract thousands of buyers to Designer outlets every day. Here …
Local cuisine is characterized by an abundance of game dishes, a variety of meat delicacies and sausages. Fish dishes are equally popular, carp is considered the most common type of fish. Local chefs masterfully cook it on a grill, bake it with vegetables and fry over an open fire, so each restaurant offers a special recipe. Popular national dishes cannot be called sophisticated, as their ingredients and methods of …
Wolfsburg is an old city with lots of interesting attractions and fascinating history. It has many interesting features that never cease to amaze foreign guests. The most favorite holiday of all locals is Christmas, for which they begin to prepare a few weeks before the holy date. The grandiose Weihnachtsmarkt fair opens in the market square near the City Hall a month before the holiday. Here you can buy interesting …
The main religious symbol of Wolfsburg is the Church of St. Anne which was built as far back as the 13th century. For hundreds of years, this church was repeatedly reconstructed. Nevertheless, it managed to preserve a number of primordial elements and features. In the immediate vicinity of the church is an old cemetery, which today is also of great interest from an architectural point of view. Wolfsburg is …
Germany - moving around the country
The development of the country's transport system is associated with progress of international and domestic trade relations. To the date, Germany's transport interchange is recognized as one of the best in the world. Therefore, there is always the best option for any tourist. Railways are very popular. They are laid both inside the city and between regions. This is worth considering when buying a ticket. In mountainous regions of the country, there are specially equipped cog railways, so you can have a train even to the ski resorts. The rail transport features the high comfort and punctuality. There is a subway in 10 major cities. In Berlin, there is the largest and most extensive subway network, which embraces a dozen lines and more than 170 stations.
Nature and parks of Germany
Germany has an incredibly picturesque landscape; there are 14 national and 95 natural parks. In the north of the country, you can find ice. Dense forests prevail in the central part; the Alps are located in the south. Several large rivers - the Rhine, the Danube, the Elbe - are found here. There are numerous lakes too, the largest of which is the Bodensee. The largest national park, Schleswig-Holstein Watts, is located in the north of the country, on the coast of the Wattee Sea and occupies more than 400 thousand hectares. The park is in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Almost 2/3 of lands is regularly flooded during high tides or are permanently under water. There are about 10 million different birds, 2 000 species of insects; common porpoises, gray seals and horsehead seals live in the waters off the coast of the Wattee Sea.