The locals are very friendly and calm. They are always very friendly with the guests of the city and are always ready to help. The way of behaving in society is very important for residents of Tallinn. They despise any manifestation of arrogance and neglect towards others.
The oldest hotel in Tallinn, St Petersbourg is a true paragon of historical luxury and refined elegance of the past. The gorgeous hotel is open in the heart of the historic district where it …
During the year Tallinn becomes the location of numerous interesting festivals and celebrations. For example, in July here is organized traditional Baltic Folk Festival, which always attracts many visitors from other countries. Grillfest is quite an unusual holiday. It is celebrated on the longest night of the year. In the evening the streets are filled with thousands of citizens who make fires, play, dance, and sing songs. When darkness falls to the city, the villagers start searching the mystical fern flower. According to an ancient legend, the flower will bring good fortune and luck to its finder. In summer many cities across the country celebrate the so called Days of the Middle Ages. The celebration resembles a large carnival - everyone can wear old clothes and go for a walk along the streets of the city. The main celebrations are held on the main squares – during the days of the festival here are organized true medieval fairs.
The residents of Tallinn posses a special love and passion towards festivals and celebrations, held in the capital throughout the year. Locals celebrate them on a grand scale, so if you planned the trip to Tallinn - consider yourself a lucky man. Here, every guest has a chance to have fun, to get acquainted with the traditions and customs of Estonia and take part in noisy fairs and street festivities. Particularly interesting are folklore festivals, where you can listen to many-voiced chants, watch the performance of traditional dances and touch the living history of Tallinn, its myths, and legends. No less curious are music festivals, which attract professional performers and composers. On May 15, people gather on the main square to celebrate the Day of Tallinn. In 1248, it received the status of the city under the Lubeck law. On the day of the festival, you will enjoy various concerts and processions, imbued with the spirit of the Middle Ages. Moreover, everyone will have the chance to visit the museums for free, as far as during the festival they do not charge visitors. Copyright www.orangesmile.com
The elegant Barons Boutique Hotel Tallinn is incredibly popular with loving couples who choose to spend a romantic vacation in Tallinn. The hotel is open in a fully restored historic …
At the end of May-June, locals celebrate the Days of the Old City, which lasts for a week. During these seven days, the streets of Tallinn will serve as the venues for games, concerts, and theatrical performances. In early July, the fans of the foamy beverage gather in Tallinn to taste the beer and have fun during the Õllesummer beer festival. There is an event in Tallinn, which takes place once in five years! This is a unique Song Festival, which is an ode to the native art and Baltic culture. During the Song Festival, the grandiose costumed processions and concerts will take place at the Singing Field. On the last Saturday of August, people celebrate the Night of the Ancient Lights. The holiday is dedicated to the old tradition of lighting the fires, indicating the way to fishermen. The main venue of celebration is at the berths, where you will find the camp kitchen, fried sprat, and various interesting competitions. Moreover, you will have the chance to experience the glorious sailing regatta, the Tallinn race.
![Tallinn Tallinn]()
In early October, the Tallinn International Horse Show takes place and gathers the equestrians and riding enthusiasts in the Saku Suurhall. This event has held for 15 years already. This is the main event in the field of equestrian sport in the Baltic countries. For many years, the Tallinn International Horse Show gives viewers an unforgettable experience of equestrian events and entertainment. During Christmas, the city of Tallinn turns into a magical fairytale from our childhood. Here, you will find the unique handicrafts, which do not exist in the regular store. Buyers can directly communicate with a craftsman, and purchase unusual gifts for family, friends, and colleagues. Moreover, on the Christmas market in Tallinn, you can also buy hand-made and factory Christmas decorations and other crafts of local craftsmen.
National traditions of Estonia

Estonians prefer living in isolation; they are very silent and may sometimes come across as cold and unfriendly people. This is due to the peculiarities of their mentality which is often characterized as psychological isolation and restraint. Most of the residents of the country are rather conservative and do not encourage familiarity. For example, according to the norms of etiquette, the Estonian seller should act politely towards a client, but without a pre-emptive and sympathetic attitude. The national character of Estonians is displayed through both their individualism and pragmatism. Estonians are ardent followers of their nation’s economy, which is manifested in the laconic expression of emotions. During conversations, they employ a minimal of facial expressions and gestures, focusing rather on a dry and straight up manner of communication. Truth is always placed above delicacy.