Swedes are descendants of Vikings. Such a historical heritage has affected the local inhabitants and is an important part of their culture. Swedes are characterized by a sense of national identity and militant nature. In their blood, the spirit of rivalry with other Scandinavian countries - Norway and Denmark - has remained. In Sweden, it is customary to criticize neighbors in various spheres: Swedes can ridicule the Danish language which in their opinion is illegible, the straightforwardness of the Norwegians or the slowness of the Finns. However, such stereotypical thinking is only echoes of the past. Despite all the disagreements, the Swedes are in friendly relations with their neighbors.
The national cuisine of Sweden, like many other northern countries, is simple to cook. Local cuisine by right can be called a peasant. It is not …
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Swedes in actuality love their country and believe that within its borders, all residents are equal and should live according to the cultural laws of Sweden. They will not ask visitors about their country, but they will with pleasure tell what a wonderful place they themselves live. They will tell about customs and teach the rules of behavior. Swedes may seem somewhat alienated, but this behavior is due exclusively to courtesy. Most often, this trait evaporates as soon as communication loses its formal character. At the festive table, the Swedes become more open and cheerful. Another characteristic feature of the Swedes is straightforwardness. They always say what they think, and if they for some reason cannot help or fulfill a request, they will just say no.
Urban population in Sweden prevails over rural; urbanization in the country is at the highest level. Many residents are busy working in offices and their day begins without fail, with a cup of coffee. Coffee in the country is drunk in incredible quantities at any time of the day. For this ceremony in Swedish there is even a special word - "fika". Over a cup of coffee, there are three-dimensional conversations on different topics, and the Swedes never interrupt each other. Each participant in the conversation can express his thoughts. To interrupt the monologue is considered bad form and absolutely unacceptable. A compulsory addition to a cup of coffee is the variety of sweets that this country is famous for. Copyright www.orangesmile.com
In Sweden, there are a huge number of different museums, many of which are devoted to the science and history of the state since ancient times. Most …
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Swedes do not like to make hasty decisions. On the contrary, they carefully think and weigh everything. Another important feature of Swedish society is the emancipation of women. Swedish women work equally with men, often occupy managerial positions, and this does not count in the country as something outstanding. Men treat them as equal, the country managed to get rid of discrimination. In Sweden, it is not accepted to help women bring packets, open a door in front of them, or give up seats in transport. In order to get a service, you must first ask, both men and women. The Swedes are considered arrogant, but this is not true. They love their country and are proud of the incredibly high standard of living that they managed to achieve in a short time.
Sweden gave life to such a concept as a "buffet". During food intake, the Swedes put the food on large plates by themselves, cut the pieces of cake and pour the drinks themselves. Such a system, combined with traditional Swedish restraint, allows guests to eat just as much as they see fit. In local culture there is the principle of "lag", which means "enough", "sufficient". This concept has come into modern culture since the time of the Vikings, when the winners after battles during the feasts, sipped mead from one horn which should have been enough for everyone. Despite the high standard of living and well-being, Sweden has the highest rate of suicide in the world.
The climate in Sweden is quite severe. The winter in this region is long and snowy, which makes winter sports incredibly popular. Sweden is one of the …
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The national culture of Sweden was formed under the influence of Christianity and paganism. Many holidays celebrated in the country have pagan roots that go back to the time of the Vikings. The country is very fond of music, both national and modern. The country annually hosts a huge number of music festivals, and many Swedish groups are popular throughout the world. During the holidays and feasts the locals like to sing folk songs, texts and music of which were passed on from generation to generation. At weddings it is customary to play traditional marches and polka, very popular and national round dances.