On the island of Skopelos, it is worth visiting the factory for the production of olive oil. Nowhere else they will tell you so detailed and interesting about this product. Speleologists, and just admirers of beautiful views and the underworld, should visit the Tripiti cave. Photographers, both amateurs and professionals, will probably be interested in the opportunity to get to the International Photography Center, located on the island. Skopelos will appeal to the fans of walking tours: pristine nature, many natural and man-made monuments, beauty and privacy will allow you to spend time alone with yourself and the local beauties. Alonisos is famous for the fact that to this day in its waters it is possible to find a quite large colony of Mediterranean seals, which contains 500 individuals. The mammals have chosen themselves small islands near Alonisos and often go there ashore. For wildlife fans, the opportunity to see these rare animals is truly unique. You can also and go diving with the local divers to study the behavior of seals. The island is a part of the national marine park, therefore, nature here is carefully guarded. You can wander through the most beautiful local forests, the port Patitiri with its traditional taverns and houses. Skiathos is not the largest but the most populated island of the archipelago. On its plains, you can see olive and almond trees, fig trees and vineyards, both carefully cultivated by people and growing by themselves. Here it is
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