Weather in Siem Reap. Actual conditions and forecast

Map of wind conditions for Siem Reap area

Map of Siem Reap temperature forecast

1. You can zoom in to Siem Reap using the '+' button, or check temperatures around the globe by the '-' button.
2. Besides this, you can grab the map by your mouse button and move it to see the temperature in other regions.
This temperature map is centered around Siem Reap. The map is real-time and interactive.

Rain forecast for Siem Reap area

1. Using the control panel above this map, you can check the rain forecast for Siem Reap for any period within next 10 days.
2. Via the top control panel, you can check the following weather parameters: Temperature, Cloud cover, Precipitation, Wind and Pressure.
This precipitation forecast map is centered around Siem Reap. The map is also real-time and interactive.
Siem Reap - guide chapters 1 2 3 4
More to see in Siem Reap
The main historical symbol of Siem Reap that almost all travelers want to see is the temple complex Angkor Wat. This is a unique monument of Khmer architecture in all respects and the largest temple complex in the world. According to the historical data, the construction of the temple started in 1112 and had continued for 30 years. The fabulous temple complex is dedicated to God Vishnu. To look over the whole building, you need to spend several hours on continuous walks. The length of the complex is more than 1.5 km and its width is 1.3 km. There is no larger and more harmonious iconic construction in the world. Angkor Wat is a must-see of all sightseeing tours in Cambodia. The location of this unique temple and many other iconic constructions is the ancient city of Angkor, a capital of the powerful Khmer Empire. As scientists have found, the territory of the ancient capital was occupied by two large temple complexes. The temple of Angkor Wat is located in the mountainous area and near it were the ruins of the temple complex Angkor Thom found. The considerable part of old constructions was restored, so walks along the ancient capital promise to be very exciting. One of the most unusual attractions of the old city is the Bayon Temple. It was chiseled directly in the rock by local residents and that is why it looks very natural and harmonious. A lot of experts note that the exterior of the temple is quite atypical for such human-made creations, so it seems to be created … Read further

Siem Reap guide chapters

Siem Reap sightseeing

It also should be noted that the prices of products in local grocery stores are quite attractive, which will definitely please thrifty and self-reliant tourists. You can have reach breakfast in one of the comfortable cafes only for 1 – 1.5 USD. Restaurants located on the territory of hotels are distinguished by higher prices. French wines should be also noted among the most popular national drinks. A lot of … Open

Cultural excursion through Siem Reap - things to see

The temple of Baksei Chamkrong is an interesting place too. Built in 947, it has managed to survive to this day. The height of the temple pyramid is 13 m. During the excursion, travelers will have a chance to drop in the shrine of the temple and see old sculptures. Siem Reap is the best place for recreation for those travelers who are interested in ancient history and culture. Walks along iconic places, admiration … Open

Top hotels with reviews

Angkor Paradise should be also noted among outstanding hotels. With its exterior, it resembles a large and spectacular palace. The luxury furniture of dark woods in the rooms, an elite restaurant of international cuisine and a stylish pub with evening entertainment programs – these are just some extinguishing features of this fashionable hotel. Nature admirers and those who prefer relaxing in a peaceful … Open

Attractions and active leisure

The nearby village of Meychrey Floating is really a unique place that all Siem Reap guests should visit. Local residents built their houses on high piles directly on the shore. Lush tropical thickets grow close to the shore zone. During tide surges, the tropical forest is flooded, so the main mean of transport here is boats. Tourists will be definitely offered to boat among exotic trees, so all family members will … Open

Travel guide to Siem Reap

At the beginning of the 9th century, an important historic event took place on this mount. King Jayavarman II proclaimed Java Island an independent territory. Nowadays, a small temple is located on top of the mountain. There are several symbolic Buddhist sculptures made of stone nearby. If you go down the mountain using a special trail, you will reach a spectacular waterfall. Its water forms a beautiful swimming … Open

Weather in the region of Siem Reap