2. You should greet others in public places (stores, banks, restaurants and subway wagons) - these are the local rules of etiquette.
3. It’s not recommended to wear clothes made of fur and leather for your walk in Rotterdam. In this city there are quite a lot of people who actively protect animal rights, so your look can cause many negative emotions and thoughts.
4. Dancing is not common in local restaurants and cafes. As a rule, tips are included in the bill and their usual size estimates around 10 - 15% of the total order.
6. Local people can be distinguished by dining very late. This is the reason why so many restaurants open only after 18:00.
7. While preparing for the trip, you should take into account that the voltage in Rotterdam is 220 V, so make sure you check the compatibility of all electrical appliances. Some hotels may have special sockets for electric shavers, the voltage in which is 110 V.
Guests are recommended to make a walk to local restaurants and cafes of the city - many dining facilities here can be considered true gastronomic attractions. The menu of Courzand Café …

9. Bicycle is a popular type of public transportation here. You can easily reach any area of the city with its help. You can easily rent a bicycle in one of numerous rental offices that are located in any part of the city. Typically, the highest prices for bike rental are in the offices that are adjacent to hotels.