The city is rich in wonderful architectural monuments. There is the House of Margarita Chernova in one of the central streets of Rostov. This magnificent mansion with luxurious facade was built in the late 19th century. Festive events and concerts were often held here. Nowadays, this historic mansion is an outstanding monument in the eclectic style. Since its construction, it has remained almost unchangeable. On the facade of the mansion, you can see several wonderful sculptures. In the city, there is the amazing Art Museum that occupies one of the most magnificent historic buildings too. It was opened in 1928. Today, besides paintings, it presents the rich collection of pieces of applied art. Its visitors can see here works of famous artists and sculptors of the 18th-19th centuries. Despite the fact that the museum lost most of its exhibits in the period of the Great Patriotic War, its collection was reproduced after the war. In the first half of the 20th century, the Rostov Local History Museum was founded. Today, you can see here unique collections dedicated to the history, culture and nature of the Rostov Region. After the war, the museum occupied a new building where it is located now. This building has a great value from an architectural point of view. The most religious monument in the city is the Cathedral St. Blessed Virgin built in the middle of the 19th century. It is a miracle that the cathedral has been preserved to this day. It is a spectacular
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