The city regularly hosts numerous festivals. In Ratingen are located several theaters and a concert hall, so any visitor will easily choose a cultural program to fit one’s taste. Don’t forget to pay particular attention to rich choice of parks, the most popular of which are Grüne See, Volkardey and Silbersee. These are true areas of wild nature covered in the atmosphere of romance and mystery. Majestic …
A trip to the Rhine Museum of Industry of Cromford promises to be exciting. It occupies an old industrial building, where the very first textile factory in Europe was opened. Visitors to the museum are told about processing of cotton hundreds of years ago. Many old machines stored in the museum are now in good working order. Lovers of walks to historical places will be pleased to see the castle of Linnep. It takes …
Germany - moving around the country
The next, but not less important airports, are Dresden Cloche and Franz Josef Strauss in Munich. Huge liners of the world's most famous air companies land here. According to statistics, these two airports enjoy great success among tourists. Here, a constant flow of travelers is recorded both in the ski season and in the warm months. Budget tourists, as a rule, fly to Frankfurt-Hahn. It is situated in the west of Frankfurt, so it has a convenient traffic junction. The next major airport is Stuttgart, which is located in the city of the same name. Fans of beer festivals, as a rule, come to this air harbor and then go for solemn events.
Overview of festivals and celebrations in Germany
Germans are very fond of carnivals. The Carnival of culture takes place in Berlin. That’s a symbol of tolerance and respect for people of different races or skin colors. Another carnival is Fastnacht; it takes place before the start of Lent. During the celebration, everything is allowed to women and men. They can eat any food in unlimited quantities, drink alcohol, have fun and entertain in all conceivable ways. According to one tradition, women can attack men and cut off their ties, usually in bars. For the carnival procession, citizens of the country dress up in costumes of devils, buffoons, wild people, yeti, witches, and fairy-tale characters.