Undoubtedly the main event of city’s cultural life is the Festival of Beer, a lot of travelers from the whole world visit Plzen during this time. Festival starts on the first October’s Friday and lasts for three days, by tradition the city’s mayor must tell toast. Tasting of the best sorts of beer and national dishes are the main amusement for a lot of event’s participants, however festival’s program is not limited by gastronomical events.
1. Plzen is connected with big neighbored cities by bus and train systems. So, a travel to Prague will occupy a little more than one and a half hours, the same time is needed to get to …
At the time of festival there are the most unusual competitions, the one of the natives’ favorite entertainments is competitions of trays throwing. The local strong men demonstrate their talents for rolling beer casks; all those who wished to have a part into the national festivities and entertaining events can do this.
Pilsner Urquell is the most famous sort of beer, which is still produced by the local factory. At the first time production started in 1842, the first portion of beer was brewed 5th October. Exactly this famous event determined the date of festival. Travelers who will visit the city can trip to the legendary brewery, which is located in Prazdroj street, this trip can leave a lot of impressions. Copyright www.orangesmile.com
The main feature of this old brewery, which was found at the beginning of 20 century by the local brewers are the dimensioned cellarage. Their extension is dozens of kilometers; even 100 years ago brewers have kept ferment beer there. Every year festival’s organizers try to make glad guests by new original entertainments and events. Once, during one of the festivals in the city there were special bar with originally constructed tables.
Every table had a special tap, owing to this tap visitors could fill up their cups without necessary to stand up. Obligatory attributes of the festival are the colorful trade fairs, where it is possible to buy the most original souvenirs and beer accessories. It is easy to find this trade fairs almost in every street of city. Numerous beer restaurants and pubs of the city prepare the special festive program too, during the festival unrepeatable atmosphere of pleasure and solemnity covers the calm and cozy city. Usually the grandiose fireworks finish the Festival of Beer, which are observed by tens of thousands of people.
Plzen - guide chapters
National traditions of Czech Republic

Czech mentality can be called “a small country's mentality”. “A small but their own” - that's what many Czechs think, preferring to pay more attention to what is happening in their country than in the rest of the world. All Czechs are very fond of music, many love to sing at any opportunity, be it a wedding, a public holiday or just meeting up with friends for a beer. Czechs highly value education and respect educated people. Most Czechs are willing to spend the last money to ensure that their children receive the best higher education.