Many travelers know Oberhausen as the permanent venue for the International Short Film Festival, the oldest of its kind in the world. First held in 1954, the festival is now the largest event of its kind. Representatives of many countries take part in the famous festival every year. The main events of the movie festival are various competitions in different categories. Participants are awarded for the best children's and teen films. The winners are also selected on a global and national scale.
Oberhausen will please tour-goers with a variety of historical attractions and cultural centers. In the city, you can find the LVR Industrial Museum, one of the most amazing and unique in …
The founder of the festival is Hilmar Hoffmann who was the head of the local school Oberhausener Volkshochschule in the 50s of the last century. With the support of other city organizations, he decided to found a movie festival. In its early years, only representatives from Germany took part in the festival. Subsequently, participants from France, other European countries, and the United States joined the event. At the end of the 80s, the festival program expanded significantly. Today, it has many awards to present, including for the best music video.
Everyone would find it interesting to visit Oberhausen during this festival. This applies even to those travelers who have never before been deeply fond of modern cinema. Besides film screenings and award ceremonies, the festival involves some other entertainment events. Guests of the city will be invited to take part in fascinating tours, get acquainted with the peculiarities of regional culture, and attend meet-and-greets with famous cinema figures. Copyright www.orangesmile.com
One of the city's main entertainment centers is Sea Life Centers, which became a world-famous attraction a few years ago. This aquarium was home to Paul the Octopus who predicted the results …
In the past, Oberhausen was a major industrial city, which, however, did not prevent its inhabitants from preserving interesting cultural traditions and customs. The townspeople are big fans of beer and traditional cuisine. Many local dishes are prepared according to historic recipes that have remained unchanged for hundreds of years. In recent years, many restaurants and cafes representing various cuisines of the world opened in the city. In the central streets, you can find Caribbean, Indian, Mediterranean, and Greek restaurants, which are mostly visited by foreign tourists. Local people prefer to eat at home or go to restaurants offering classic regional cuisine.
![Oberhausen Castle Oberhausen Castle]()
It'd be a great idea to visit Oberhausen on Christmas and New Year's Eve when interesting entertainments are held throughout the city. A mandatory attribute of the winter holidays is magical illumination that adorns all city streets. A few weeks before Christmas, the city opens fairs where they sell traditional souvenirs and treats. It is noteworthy that Christmas is a much more anticipated and important holiday for the townspeople. On the occasion of this holiday, it is customary to set a rich table and present gifts to loved ones. Christmas is considered a typical family holiday.
1. Oberhausen is a small city so it is comfortable to explore it on foot. All its major attractions are located within walking distance from each other. 2. The city has a large railway …
However, in recent years, some traditions of its celebration have changed. Oberhausen residents are no longer so eager to spend the holiday at home, in a family circle. Many of them go to nearby ski resorts for the Christmas holidays. The New Year is celebrated in an easier way. On a festive night, almost all citizens go out into the streets to admire beautiful illumination and fireworks. It is not customary to give expensive gifts for the New Year. Usually, locals exchange modest souvenirs or popular sweets.
![Rathaus Oberhausen Rathaus Oberhausen]()
Travelers visiting Oberhausen during Christmas New Yea celebrations will have a chance to buy lovely souvenirs that are not sold at other times of the year. Popular Christmas souvenirs are various crib figurines. You can also buy figurines in the shape of snowflakes and angels. Christmas markets always sell a lot of sweets. Candied almonds, chocolate covered dried fruit, and various candies are especially popular with locals.
At Christmas markets, one should not look for any practical or serious gifts - they offer exclusively souvenirs here. During periods when no major holidays and festivals are held in the city, be sure to explore the main grocery market. It is one of the most attractive places for gourmets and those who like new tastes. At the market, you can buy some excellent farm products. Special attention should be paid to home-style sausages and local cheeses.
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