This ancient country of Vikings, Norway, is rich not only with natural beauties but also with numerous traditions, customs and beliefs. The Norwegian society as a whole is composed of a group of quiet and hard-working domestic folks. Therefore, mass festivities are rare even in the capital of the country. As an alternative, the inhabitants of the country harmoniously and with pleasure are engaged in all kinds of winter sports. Specialized stores are full of buyers. Another passion of the Norwegians is frequent travel. Regardless of the harsh climatic conditions and the considerable amount of stress it brings, families organize themselves and embark on regular hiking with children and domestic animals.
Norway is a world of pristine Rocky Mountains, coniferous forests and transparent ponds. The cold northern climate does not treat the residents well: …
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Norway is located in the North but thanks to the Gulf Stream, its climate cannot be described as too harsh. This climatic zone here is called …
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The country having not yet entered into the Schengen agreement, still uses the National Kroner instead of the euro. Independent and indifferent to other people’s opinions, these are some of the characteristic traits of the Norwegians. Strong and witty, they express their opinion directly, not minding how it will be perceived by others. Brave and proud, the Scandinavians however do not take criticism lightly. Also known to be indifferent to luxury, Norwegians are tremendously occupied with the improvement of their future and taking care of the prospects for their children. At the point when oil deposits were discovered in the country, the main income from its use was spent on the establishment of a foundation for the advancement of the country for the benefit of the future generations.
The transport infrastructure in Norway is developed at a high level due to a good standard of living in the country. There are almost all types of …
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Wedding customs in Norway are rooted in the communal system. To get married, the future bride ought to loudly and under witnesses shout to her betrothed “yes”. Personal arrangements alone are not taken into account. Some time ago, all the guests got to the bride’s place where the dowry would be paid, on narrow boats decorated with ribbons and flowers. Present day Norwegians continue this ancient custom with pleasure, supplementing the boat ride with photo sessions. In ancient times, the bride’s hair was adorned with a massive golden crown. Now it has been replaced with a weightless elegant accessory. In any case, the porridge prepared on the day of the wedding from wheat and cream by the bride, still adorns the wedding tables.