Marmaris attracts shoppers with its lively markets and shopping centres. Popular Carsi market is located not far from the old fortress. Walking through its shopping malls, you can find the most popular products of local production, the market offers a rich selection of inexpensive clothing and shoes, there are pavilions with jewellery and cosmetics. Here you can buy a lot of exclusive jewellery, including handmade lace, and there are even food rows with spices on the market. Oriental sweets and other gastronomic specialities are also presented here. In the port area of Netsel Marina is located one of the largest shopping complexes in the city, which you should definitely visit in search of new clothes and accessories, as well as inexpensive jewellery and souvenirs. A distinctive feature of the shopping centre is considered to be souvenir shops, which sell very interesting crafts on the sea theme, here you can buy a lot of exclusive things. In search of popular national products and rare delicacies, you can go to the supermarket Tansas, it has an incredibly beautiful design and high level of service. Here you can find all the popular products, including soft drinks and fresh fruit, which are very inexpensive in this store. In addition to food products, there are various household goods, children's toys and basic necessities in the supermarket, Tansas will be a real find for independent and thrifty tourists. There is a market a few days a week in Marmaris, it has no
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