Losiny, like other resort areas in Croatia, lives and thrives at the expense of tourists. Nobody wants to lose clients, and therefore the locals are always emphatically polite and friendly. Sometimes it's hard to say whether this attitude is sincere or not. But, nevertheless, you shouldn’t expect troubles from the local people. There is a very low crime rate but it's still worth keeping an eye on your belongings: in the places where the tourists gather, there is a chance to suffer from the pickpockets. To avoid trouble with the law, look at the warning signs – in some areas it is forbidden to walk on the streets without a shirt or in a bathing suit under the threat of a fine.
The island of Losinj has a lot of both historical and natural attractions. There are places to take a walk with your child in silence and peace and to exercise. On the territory of Camping …
Please note that the local residents have a rather unusual feature – they do not refuse and usually do not even mention any restrictions. Therefore, if you have agreed on something with the Croat, then remember that here "tomorrow" is a synonym for the word "never". The local residents are not very dependable and therefore can easily forget about their obligations. Simply because it is better to agree and not to do something than to refuse a request. There is a similar situation with the violation of the public norms and local legislation – you are unlikely to be warned that your actions do not fit into the usual framework.
Do not call the Croats “Yugoslavs”, it's unpleasant for them. The locals are real patriots of their country, they love their culture, and try to adhere to long-standing traditions and customs. A couple of compliments to Croatia will help you to improve a mutual understanding with a local more than half an hour's exchange of common courtesies. If you manage to visit a Croatian wedding, then you will see many traditional rituals. For example, the husband's relatives remove the veil from the bride and clothe her in an apron, showing that from now on she is the mistress and the wife. Copyright www.orangesmile.com
In Losinj's restaurants, you can taste both the dishes that are typical for central Croatia and those that the Adriatic coast is famous for. One of the most delicious and unusual local …
Note that it is customary to bargain not only in the markets but even in small coastal cafes and shops. The main thing is not to push – the Croats, unlike the Asians, see the trade not as a competition but as a process that brings mutual pleasure. Local women often become the actual head of the family, manage the finances, and make the decisions. Women also often occupy managerial positions. At the same time, many representatives of the fair sex, on the contrary, prefer a career as a housewife. Traditionally, men give a lot of compliments to any woman, not paying attention to her appearance. So, if you travel to Losinj alone, be prepared for increased attention.
The tradition of "korzo" came to Croatia from Italy. Every evening the streets of the cities are filled with strolling men and women in their best outfits. On holidays, all settlements are filled with the sounds of music, and many activities include traditional dances in national costumes. The sounds of the unusual local instrument, tambura, are the loudest on the streets of cities in January and February, during the Carnival. The slow, measured life of the island during the holidays is accelerated several times – the Croats like to have fun and they celebrate all the important dates in a big way.
Losiny, like many other islands of the Adriatic, was inhabited far back in Antiquity. The proof of this fact you can find not only in the collections of the local historical museums but also …
In April, the island hosts two festivals: the festival of cuisine and the flowers. At the end of July, you can attend the large-scale water polo tournament, and at the end of summer you can watch the sailing regatta. In the beginning of August in Veli Losin, there is the Day of Dolphins, and in Mali Lošin, every first Saturday of the month the embankment is filled with the sellers of the souvenirs, liqueurs, honey, and other local products during the Fragrances festival. The important Catholic holidays are also celebrated here greatly, which is not surprising, because the vast majority of the island's inhabitants are Catholics. The most large-scale celebrations are held in honor of Christmas, Easter, and Epiphany Day.
Losinj Island - guide chapters
National traditions of Croatia

One of the main sources of income in Croatia, especially in coastal regions, is tourism. Local residents manage hostels and private hotels. Therefore, people are extremely polite with foreigners. Even the most unexpected or complex request is met with a consent and a smile. However, this does not mean that they immediately rush to work. On the contrary, Croats are very slow. They like to postpone everything for later and do not rush to do their job. They are pretty unpunctual, but utterly polite and correct. Although, politeness can often be insincere. In Croatia, it is customary to bargain and discuss the cost of goods or services, especially in shops and even cafes in coastal areas.