1. It won’t be difficult to get to the island from mainland, as they are bound by an ultramodern bridge, which is also considered an important architectural landmark. The island can be reached by car or by bus; public transport runs from early morning to late in the evening.
2. Beach lovers visit the island from early June to late September, as there reins a pleasant weather. However, exploring sights is more comfortable in autumn or spring, when the daytime is not as hot as in summer.
3. Despite the fact that Krk has inherited reputation of a major industrial center, the island never had any industry in the modern sense of the word. These places can boast with unique nature and beautiful scenery, so you can go for vacations safely even with young children.
4. Those fond of spending the evening with a glass of wine in the attractive restaurant have to consider that local dining places close very early. There are practically no restaurants on the island that are open until late at night; in low season a significant part of restaurants are closed no later than 6:00 pm.
6. No matter what time of year you would have a trip, it’s advised to book a hotel room in advance. Despite the fact that the choice of accommodation options on the island is very large, not all of them have convenient location and a reasonable range of services.
7. Krk can offer its guests some great diving centers of the international level, so it’s not necessary for diver to take their equipment with them. Trips to beautiful places for diving are arranged for a moderate fee; all the necessary equipment is provided for rent.
The mild Mediterranean climate and beautiful nature made the island of Krk the favorite destination among fans of eco-tourism. Walking through the local forests and exploring natural … Open