2. Tap water is not recommended to drink; it’s better to purchase purified bottled water, which you can buy at any grocery store. In Kiev there are lots of pumprooms, all decorated in style of antique hand pumps, they can be found in the territory of any park. You can take the purest artesian water there without any fee.
3. The city has a ban on smoking in public places, but special areas for smoking are ubiquitous. In restaurants and bars hall is often divided into two parts, one of which is intended for those who smoke, and the other – for non-smoking ones.
4. Public transport is represented in Kiev in all possible forms. The most convenient way is to move around the city by subway, which runs from 6:00 am to 12:00pm. From early morning until late at night taxis and buses, as well as trams and trolley buses convenient for traveling short distances, are cruising through the streets.
6. In large restaurants a service charge may be included in the overall bill. If the item is not provided in the bill, then you can add about 5 - 10% of the total amount. It is also appropriate to leave tips for the taxi driver and guides.
7. Main voltage is 220V; many hotels have standard European type socket. Be sure to specify these nuances in advance when booking your room to pick up necessary adapters.
Travelers wishing to get acquainted with Kyiv's beautiful national traditions should visit the city during one of the major holidays. One of the favorite holidays among local residents is …

9. It is advisable to take a copy of an identity document with you, when you go for a walk. Travelers, who visit Kiev for the first time, are encouraged to take the tourist office map of the city. This will make walking around even more simple and enjoyable.