Kassel is the 40th most populous city in Germany. According to the official data, the population of Kassel is approximately two hundred thousand people. Someone living in a big city would label Kassel as “a provincial town”, but you will never hear this from an indigenous person. In the opinion of local people, the city has lost its provincial atmosphere long ago (the city hosts many internationally famous events, including Documenta art exhibition and the Kassel Documentary Film and Video Festival; moreover, it is the location of a well-known university), but behavior and lifestyle of locals prove the opposite. On weekdays, when there are no festivals and celebrations, Kassel is a calm and peaceful place that is similar to many small cities. As a rule, residents of Kassel work until 4 pm. It is hard to find bread at this time, only some remaining cakes that are accidentally not sold out since the morning. By the way, the remaining unsold bread is given away to the poor at the end of the day. On the next day, shops sell only the bread made earlier in the morning. It is hard to see locals on the streets of the city during the daytime – all of them start working early. Until 4 pm, there are mostly tourists and immigrants on the streets of the city. Many immigrants are jobless, so they get social security and have free time to spend outside. When Germans return from work, immigrants usually disappear from the streets of Kassel. According to the official statistics,
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