The picturesque Greek island of Kalymnos is known primarily as a major center of production of sponge; fishery has remained the main harvesting of locals for many hundreds of years. Delicious honey is also produced there. The only state diving school in Greece is working on Kalymnos. Every year, fans of beach activities, scuba diving and rock climbing, as well as travelers who love cultural tourism and rich excursion programs come there.
Kalymnos has a very rich history. Scientists believe that it was inhabited in ancient times. The first people who inhabited the island were the Carians. Kalymnos came under the influence of …
The capital of the island is the town of Pothia. Here is one of the most important cultural centers of the island, the Historical Museum. It would be difficult to explore its rich collection of artifacts at once; during a tour around the museum visitors would learn about the most important historical events. The amazing Church of Christ the Savior is situated in the capital. That’s an incredibly beautiful building with refined interior. While sightseeing in the capital, you should definitely take a look at one of the old sponge processing plants to get acquainted with the main harvesting of islanders.
The Monastery of St. Sava situated close to Pothia has to be included in the excursion program. Many historical sites have survived in the old capital of the island, Chora. Its main hallmark is the historic castle Paleochora built on the initiative of the Knights of St. John. Today the Chora Castle is open to visitors, so everyone can enjoy its spacious halls and corridors with a guide and listen to interesting stories about this magnificent structure. Copyright
Kalymnos is an ideal place for active tourists. The island is incredibly popular among climbers from all over the world. There are hundreds of climbing routes on the island. They are all of …
Not far from Chora there is an important archaeological area, Pera Castro. Here, scientists have discovered the ruins of an ancient acropolis, as well as the temple, whose age is almost 2,000 years. Walks through the village of St. Constantine are popular among travelers who are interested in ancient history. Here you can see the surviving fragments of old fortifications, as well as other interesting monuments.
The seat of the most popular museums is Pothia; the amazing Archaeological Museum is situated there. It represents precious findings of scientists discovered during the exploration of the island. Nearby is the Maritime Museum, whose collection also strikes with abundance of unique artifacts. You should definitely look into the Ethnographic Museum of Pothia that offers visitors a rich collection of national handicrafts, works of art and utensils.
Guests of Kalymnos won’t have problems with selecting a suitable place for beach vacations, as the coast of the island is incredibly beautiful and attractive. The gorgeous beach can be …
The small Vothini town is home to the famous historical monuments. There is an ancient monastery of All Saints, as well as Kalymnos house that is the typical monument of the national architecture. One of the most unusual and interesting cultural centers of the island is located in Vlichadia. The large-scale private museum operates there; its exhibition is devoted to the sea and marine life. Among its exhibits are rare species of marine plants, fish, sea stars, and, of course, sponges. A significant part of the museum is devoted to the main national fishery, the extraction and processing of sponges. Every city of Kalymnos cherishes its priceless historical monuments, so you can safely choose any area for your tour.
Kalymnos is an ideal destination for all fans of active recreation and sports entertainment. It is a great place to try various types of water sports. Moreover, there are several attractive diving sites not far away from the coast. As the terrain of this island is mostly rocky, Kalymnos attracts fans of alpinism. There are suitable areas for beginners who only make first steps in this dangerous sport and several inexpugnable rocks that even experienced alpinists will find very hard to conquer.
The island has a decent selection of mid-priced hotels and comfortable apartments suitable for longer stays. There is the famous hotel Katina close to Myrties Beach; that’s a paradise …
Travelers not keen on extreme sports will also not feel bored. They are welcome to try snorkeling and explore the most picturesque parts of the seaside. In the port area, vacationers can always rent a boat or a yacht, and head to explore the nearby landmarks. It is important to mention that some hidden bays and gulfs are accessible only from water, so one needs a boat to see them. Travelers with small children will find it interesting to visit small resort towns on the southern part of the island. There are several charming sandy beaches that are suitable for children and everyone who cannot swim.
Kalymnos Island - guide chapters