1. The best time for vacation is spring and summer. In the autumn-winter period, plans can be ruined by prolonged rains. For tourists who expect to spend a lot of time walking in the fresh air, it wouldn't be superfluous to take along some warm clothes. In the evening, it can be pretty cold outside.
2. It is recommended to exchange money in banks where the most favorable rates are offered. Banks and government agencies serve visitors from 8:30 am to 3:00 pm, a long working day is Thursday when offices are open until 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm.
3. You can withdraw money from a credit card at one of the many ATMs; it's best to use the services of Geldautomat ATMs. It is worth noting that most shopping centers, restaurants, and gas stations accept cashless payments.
4. The city has a well-developed public transport system with a single type of tickets. Tickets are sold at special kiosks standing close to public transport stops, as well as newspaper and tobacco kiosks.
6. It's best to make calls to other cities and countries from public telephones, which can be found close to transport stops, public institutions, and shopping centers. They work with special plastic or credit cards.
7. The mains voltage is 220 V; standard European-type sockets are installed in all inns and hotels. If necessary, adapters for electrical appliances can be requested at the hotel desk or bought at any specialty store.
The city concentrates a huge number of various entertainment facilities, from traditional nightclubs and elite bars to large-scale shopping malls and restaurants. There is also a great zoo … Open
9. Shops are open to visitors from 9:00-10:00 am to 6:00-7:00 pm. All major shopping centers work with a “tax-free” system allowing customers to receive sales tax refunds when leaving the country.
10. In restaurants, it is customary to leave tips, which make up 10% of the total bill. Taxi drivers can be tipped as well - just round the sum to the nearest convenient number.