2. The city is distinguished by a well-developed public transport system. Buses can easily get you to any part of the city. Tourists, who expect to use public transport a lot, are recommended to buy a special ticket pass or tourist pass as they will help to save.
3. Taxis can be got at special parking or ordered by phone. Visitors can try to catch a free car right on a street of the city, but it can be quite difficult during the "rush hour". The fare for taxi services is dependent on the time and distance of travel.
4. Both drivers and pedestrians should remember that any violation of traffic rules can cause large fines. While inside a car both a driver and passengers should fasten their belts. Do not forget to choose a place to park carefully.
6. In addition to a huge choice of restaurants and cafes you will find many fast food facilities in the city. Small colorful kiosks that can be seen in all major streets offer visitors to buy hot sandwiches, hot dogs and soft drinks.
7. Bicycle remains a popular form of public transport. It is traditionally enjoyed by people of all ages. Travellers can also hire the two-wheeled transport in one of numerous rental centers that can be usually found close to all major hotel complexes.
Beautiful and ancient city of Duisburg traditionally attracts tourists by its places of interest and various cultural sites. Despite the fact that the city was severely damaged during the …

9. The best to exchange currency is to use the services of banks as private exchange offices usually charge a large fee. Cash will be useful to those who hope to visit small shops and cafes, and in large restaurants, shopping and entertainment complexes bank transfer payments are accepted.