In the national cuisine, one can trace very bright oriental features, the best confirmation of which is the abundance of meat dishes. They are mostly prepared from pork, generously flavored with herbs and spices. One of the most popular national dishes is “pörkölt” - pork slices stewed in tomato sauce. Among the first-priority dishes is a special goulash, which is nothing like a traditional one. It is offered in some European restaurants. In Debrecen restaurants, guests can taste a real goulash - thick rich soup with tender meat and vegetables. The most popular festive dish is “Paprikás”. It is made from chicken meat, which is stewed in a special cream sauce with red pepper and other seasonings. Along with meat dishes, all sorts of flour products are also popular here. Literally in every national restaurant, guests will be offered to try dumplings and specialty noodles prepared according to an old home recipe. Many restaurants even have their own bakeries, so visitors are always in for a pleasant surprise in the form of hot, fresh bread. Fans of fish are encouraged to try "Halászlé" soup cooked from several varieties of fish with potatoes. Among tourists, no less popular is a fish soup that tastes fantastic, according to culinary experts. Fans of classic European cuisine will like cabbage rolls prepared by local chefs in a special way. They are typically stewed in cabbage broth and seasoned with sour cream and spices before serving. Local desserts
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