The town hall remains the main symbol of Augsburg and its most beautiful architectural landmark. The magnificent tower was built in the second half of the 14th century. The first large-scale reconstruction of the building took place in the 17th century. The reconstruction works were led by Elias Hol, a famous architect of that time. It took four years to completely rebuild the tower. The restoration of its inner decorations took four more years. The construction of the town hall has cost huge sums of money, but today the visitors of this magnificent place of interest can enjoy the excellent design of the Golden Hall. By the way, for already more than four centuries the hall has been used as the venue for the most important and special occasions. Tourists will be genuinely interested in walking in the princely rooms, which are also often used to host various meetings and seminars.
Numerous shops, clubs and sports centers, which can be found in any part of the city, will help you to diversify excursions and visits to museums and other historic sites. The tourists, who …
We simply cannot fail to mention mansions of noble families among the monuments worth your attention. The mansion of the famous German writer Bertolt Brecht, which was built in the 17th century, was completely remodeled into a museum. The house-museum of Leopold Mozart is one more interesting destination from the excursion point of view. The house was turned into a museum yet in the late 19th century. The luxurious beautiful Welser villa simply strikes visitors with its beauty, as well as the house of the merchant Fugger. The latter mansion has retained the old flags with the coat of arms of the noble family. The entrance to the mansion is decorated with the sculptures of lions dressed in armor. You will also see a memorial plaque at the entrance to the mansion. The plaque contains the history of the building of the beautiful palace and enumerates the merits of its owners.
Church of St. Ulrich and Afra is an important religious attraction of the city. There is also a beautiful basilica which is located next to the old church. The first mentions of the church belong to the 5th century. According to a legend, in the 10th century the basilica was chosen home to sacred artifacts - the remains of Ulrich Bishop and St. Afra. Each year more and more pilgrims came to the church to see the sacred relics. In the 11th century the church was completely rebuilt and a monastery was opened near it. The church, which can be seen today by tourists, is the sixth construction. The Armory is one of the most interesting cultural institutions of the city. It has been almost completely destroyed during the Second World War, but thanks to the efforts of architects the Armory has been restored as soon as possible. Nowadays the sight is visited by thousands of visitors every day. Copyright www.orangesmile.com
1. Make sure you check all electrical appliances you plan to take for compatibility before your trip. The line voltage is 220 V. All the hotels are equipped with standard European style …
Augsburg is the city in which Martin Luther pleaded his convictions, and during this time he needed somewhere to live. St. Anna-Kirche, the then Carmelite monastery, served this purpose. At present it is the museum Lutherstiege, where you can learn what was left out in the history books. You can become acquainted with the folk industry of Augsburg in the Textil- und Industriemuseum. The building of the museum used to be a worsted spinning mill, founded at the beginning of the 19th century. Being the first large industrial company in the city, it made a name for itself. Some of the things on display here include textile samples and machines. Besides this, temporary exhibitions are also held in the museum.
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Another interesting museum is called the Augsburger Puppentheatermuseum. As the name implies, this museum is dedicated to puppetry and its main characters, that is, dolls. Kids will definitely love it here. There is a very touching story connected with the establishment of the museum, and it will be told to you once inside. On the other hand, Schaezlerpalais seems as though you could look at it for ages – on entering the museum, you will be blown away at the unusually rich baroque style interior, as well as the exquisite works of visual art hanging here. There is a courtyard around the house, where you can take a pleasant walk, disassociated yourself from the rest of the world. Despite the fact that large-scale hostilities took place in Augsburg during World War II, the palace was miraculously not destroyed. It is considered one of the most significant symbols of the city today.
The two quarters – Gollwitzerhäuser and Fuggerhäuser – are striking in terms of their architecture. The Augsburg Art Nouveau is some kind of a hallmark of these houses. They were built at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries. The Schaezlerpalais also miraculously survived, and tourists from all over the world (just like the locals) who were fortunate enough to see such beauty are grateful for it. The city is famous thanks to its interesting sculptures and fountains. They are all devoted to one theme, which is the ancient Roman gods. One fountain bears the name Merkurbrunnen, the other is Herkulesbrunnen and the third is Augustusbrunnen. They are located at a respectable distance from each other, but on the same line. The fountains were built in the 17th century, and you can look at them on Maximilianstrasse.
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Another place worth mentioning is Perlachturm, a viewing platform towering over the city, as though its defender. The tower is 70 meters in height, and you can behold the whole city from it, as if it were in your palm. This, among other things, is one of the most ancient structures in the city, with the time of its construction dating back to the 10th century. On one occasion it served as a watchtower, later it turned into a fire brigade, and today it is one of the symbols of the city of three rivers (as Augsburg is often called). Rotes Tor is also deserving of special attention. This is yet another ancient landmark of the city which was built in the 12th century and reconstructed in the 17th century. Some time ago, it was used as a customs post, being an important point in trade relations between the Holy Roman Empire and Italian cities.
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