Check on the map. From Amsterdam center - 1.7 km
The development of design hotel Hotel Droog 
Qbic Hotel WTC
, which was recently open in the building of World Trading Centre. Guestrooms of this hotel were developed and furnished by Dutch designers, who were inspired by the idea of a capsule hotel. In such a hotel, not much is needed for convenient rest. All guestrooms come with comfortable beds, a work desk and a shower. Every guestroom has a stylish lightning system that adds futurism to the design and makes guestrooms look like a spacecraft’s cabin. This hotel attracts travellers with its relatively low prices together with high level of comfort. There is no better proof of popularity than occupancy, and guestrooms at this hotel need to be booked in advance as during its first year of work the occupancy reached 99%.
Check on the map. From Amsterdam center - 3.9 km
The next hotel that is worth mentioning is Qbic Hotel WTC 
Amsterdam is always in the top list of the most popular cities for fans of shopping. Shopaholics arrive to the city from different parts of the world in order to buy unique clothes made of …

Check on the map. From Amsterdam center - 2.9 km
One more unique hotel can be found in the northern part of the IJ Bay. This is Faralda Crane 
Hotel de Windketel
. This hotel is located in an old water tower that was saved only thanks to efforts of local people. The hotel is located not far away from an old gas factory. Currently, this factory is a part of Westergasfabriek. The small octagonal water tower was built yet in 1897. With time, the tower was not used for its original purpose anymore and was on the verge of destruction. Several local people, who lived in neighbor houses, decided to save the historic building and open an original designer made guestroom in the tower. The guestroom has everything needed for comfortable long-term stay in Amsterdam – a cozy bedroom, well-equipped kitchen and living room, and the ground level of the water tower was turned into a dining room.
Check on the map. From Amsterdam center - 2.1 km
Travellers, who prefer to stay in unusual places, will simply fall in love with Hotel de Windketel