Car Rental at 'Grants Pass - Downtown'

Car Rental Locations in Medford

Rental office address 'Grants Pass - Downtown': , Medford, USA.

To change to another rental area in Medford, simply use one of the following:
- change the preset location in the 'Pick-up' field in the above form;
- click on one of the links below;
- use the map of Medford on this page.

Medford Airport
Grants Pass - Downtown
Map of Medford with rental locations
Rental process for Medford

Car hire system offers vehicles for rent at the rental location 'Grants Pass - Downtown'. We carefully maintain largest up-to-date database with actual offers from most of the rental suppliers in USA. Due to this, we are able to find the best and cheapest rental options for your specified location and dates.

Reservation can be done in three fast and simple steps - search by your dates and location in USA, select a car, and input your personal data. Upon reception of your order, we will send you a confirmation voucher by email. Before completing your reservation, please check the rental conditions of the selected car carefully.

Upon arrival to the 'Grants Pass - Downtown' rental office, please provide your confirmation voucher, driving license and credit card to an officer. The credit card is required for payment and deposit. The deposit amount is usually equivalent to the amount of the largest insurance franchise specified in your voucher.

Before leaving the office at the pick-up time, verify the invoice issued by the officer and compare the invoice data with the data in your voucher!

Car pick-up: inspect the car body, wheels, windows and interior for chips, scratches, dents and other defects. Validate that all found defects are described in your rental document.

We wish you a great driving experience on the roads of Medford!

Frequently asked questions on the rental process

Where to go by car near Medford: Crater Lake
Crater Lake, the lake of unbelievable beauty, has placed in south-central Oregon in the western United States. It has formed from a caldera lake. This lake is known all over the world thanks to its unique deep blue water. According to the researchers, this water is one of the clearest in the whole world. Scientists say that approximately this lake had formed about 7,5 thousand years ago. Its mid-depth is about 350 meters. Sizes of the lake are also magnific, its length is about 10 km and width 8 km.

This is the deepest lake not only in the United States but also on the territory of North America. Several years ago, there was formed a National Park. Today you can walk there on your own or walk with a guide and listen to a wonderful excursion. The main thing that you should do in the Park is to go to the crater of the silent volcano and to enjoy with the breathtaking views. Every year about 400 000 people visit this unique wildlife refuge from the whole world.
Read further...
Frequently asked questions on car rental process
Rental conditions
Changing your booking
Cancelling your booking
Confirmation voucher
Crossing borders
Fuel conditions
Age restrictions
Extra services
Insurance types
Driving license
What does the price include
Secure Connection
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