Car Rental in Columbia

Car rental offices in Columbia
Map of Columbia with rental locations
Nuances of hiring and using cars in Columbia

With OrangeSmile, an early booking is the best way to save on rental costs, since our car rental rates in Columbia increase with approaching pick-up date. While our confirmation arrives just in 5-20 minutes, we advise to make your booking in USA at least a few days before the desired rental date.

Prior to making a booking, carefully read the rental conditions for the selected car in Columbia. Knowing the actual conditions helps to avoid surprises at the rental desk.

Make sure that you know at which exact location in Columbia the car should be picked up - for this, check the address in your voucher. In some cases, rental companies in USA meet their clients in a pre-defined spot (e.g. fuel station). However, commonly you should just register at the front office.

Valid credit cards are accepted for payment by every rental office in Columbia. In general, car rental companies in USA do not accept cash, debit cards and e-cards (VISA ELECTRON).

The documents provided to you in Columbia by the rental officer should be carefully inspected. Check the car type, payment amount, taxes, included services and USA border crossing conditions. In case of inconsistencies and problems detected, call us by the number specified in the rental voucher.

We, at, wish you a fantastic time and experience in Columbia!

Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions on car rental process
Rental conditions
Changing your booking
Cancelling your booking
Confirmation voucher
Crossing borders
Fuel conditions
Age restrictions
Extra services
Insurance types
Driving license
What does the price include
Secure Connection
Main Office
Weegschaalstraat 3, Eindhoven
5632 CW, The Netherlands
+31 40 40 150 44

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