Car Rental in Bjerka

Car rental office in Bjerka
The only available rental office in Bjerka - 'Bjerka - Downtown' is located by the address Europcar/bjerka Bil As Strandgata 12, Bjerka, 8643 (shown on the map).
Map of Bjerka with rental locations
Nuances of hiring and using cars in Bjerka

The search form on the left side allows checking available cars in Bjerka not only by dates, but also by desired vehicle types. If needed, it is also possible to indicate that you wish to return your vehicle at another location in Norway.

While making your reservation, carefully examine the car rental conditions, the pick-up location address in Bjerka and the payment methods accepted. Usually, rental offices in Norway accept credit cards only.

Prior to driving away from a parking lot in Bjerka, check the car chassis, windows and tires with respect to visual defects. Check that all found defects are pre-specified in the rental documents.

Upon arrival to the rental office in Bjerka, please provide all the documents indicated in the voucher - driving license, voucher, and a valid credit card. When you receive the rental documents from the officer, check the documents carefully to make sure that their information coincides with the information in the voucher.

The final payment in Norway is normally performed upon the return of a vehicle. Rental offices in Bjerka accept only credit cards. Payments in cash or with debit cards are usually not accepted.

Frequently asked questions on the rental process

Exploring Norway by car
The focus of Agriculture is on livestock breeding, so meat and sour-milk products are more than adequate to completely cater to all the needs of the local population. Of course, the excess is exported. Because of the mountainous terrain of the country, food cultivation, including the production of cereals is not so well developed. What is produced locally only makes up less than half of what the country needs. But, in spite of this, conditions were created for the growth of many vegetables and fruits in the countryside which not only satisfies the needs of Norwegians, but are exported. It should be noted that the tourism industry in Norway has been actively developing in recent years. Although, to date, the revenue generated does not exceed 7% of GDP. Specific weather conditions, coupled with incredible beauty of the country contribute to an annual increase in the number of tourists that visit the country. Accordingly, the level of service delivery is also increasing.

The primary objectives of the current policy of Norway are aimed at achieving the highest level of employment of the local population. To date, the network of state employment centers maximally helps citizens of the country with employment. At the same time, many companies invest in the training of newly hired employees, and also send those already working for advanced training courses in accordance with innovative technologies. Today, the number of employed people in the country has risen to 2.2 million people. GDP per capita is more than 90,000 dollars. The inflation rate by last year’s data was 4%, and the key rate is kept at the figure 0.6%. The public debt to date is 31% of GDP.
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Frequently asked questions on car rental process
Rental conditions
Changing your booking
Cancelling your booking
Confirmation voucher
Crossing borders
Fuel conditions
Age restrictions
Extra services
Insurance types
Driving license
What does the price include
Secure Connection
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