Car Rental at 'Crete - Agios Nikolaos - Port'

Car Rental Locations in Agios Nikolaos

Rental office address 'Crete - Agios Nikolaos - Port': 15, I. Koundorou Str., Agios Nikolaos, 72100, Agios Nikolaos, Greece.

To change to another rental area in Agios Nikolaos, simply use one of the following:
- change the preset location in the 'Pick-up' field in the above form;
- click on one of the links below;
- use the map of Agios Nikolaos on this page.

Crete - Agios Nikolaos Downtown
Crete - Agios Nikolaos - Port
Agios Nikolaos
Map of Agios Nikolaos with rental locations
Rental process for Agios Nikolaos

Car and options choice. The search results indicate valid and final rental rates at the 'Crete - Agios Nikolaos - Port' location. The rates are formed on the 'All included' principle. Presented prices do not include additional options, such as a GPS navigator, child seats, winter tires, etc. They can be added later on, during the last phase of the booking process.

Hiring conditions are different for each rental car in Greece. Therefore, before making a reservation, make sure you haveve read the conditions. The reservation is performed in three quick steps: searching for a car by location and rental dates, selecting desired vehicle and filling in the booking form. Upon reservation approval, you will receive a rental voucher via email.

Car pick-up. Upon arrival to the location 'Crete - Agios Nikolaos - Port', provide the required documents specified in your voucher to the rental officer. Directly in the office, inspect the rental invoice carefully – should match with your voucher. Besides this, do not forget examine the car exterior carefully – all defects discovered at the pick-up time should be included in your rental document.

Car return. Make sure to return the vehicle within the specified timeframe and to adhere to the fuel conditions (return full or return empty). wishes you a pleasant and trouble-free driving in Greece!

Frequently asked questions on the rental process

Over the sights of Agios Nikolaos by car
Another religious monument is the church of Panagia Kera, which is a temple with historical roots. In the church you can find interesting frescoes dating to the 13th-14th centuries. Despite the fact that the building looks quite modest, it continues to impress visitors with its neatness and taste, and it is possible to apply the epithet “modest but with taste” to it. The Kremasta Monastery is famous for its well-kept gardens, as well as the serenity and tranquility that prevail here. The shrine has a historical significance, since it played an important role during the Turkish occupation – this is where the secret religious school was located.

There are many interesting sculptures in Agios Nikolaos. Hence, among them it is worth noting the monuments to famous individuals – for example, a monument to the Greek politician Eleftherios Venizelos, and, of course, Saint Nicholas, after whom the city is named. Let’s not forget of course, the memorial to the victims of war that towers over Lake Voulismeni. It was built specifically to ensure that nothing and no one is forgotten. The statue of Europe and the Horn of Amalthea are also notable, bringing to mind the mythology of ancient Greece. An ancient pillar standing on top of Kapetan Tavla, attracts tourists due to the fact that it is a spot from which blows a light wind of history – looking at it, you can literally travel far, far into the past.
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Frequently asked questions on car rental process
Rental conditions
Changing your booking
Cancelling your booking
Confirmation voucher
Crossing borders
Fuel conditions
Age restrictions
Extra services
Insurance types
Driving license
What does the price include
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