Car Rental at 'Offenburg - Downtown Center'

Car Rental Locations in Offenburg

Rental office address 'Offenburg - Downtown Center': Freiburger Strasse 16, Offenburg, Offenburg, Germany.

To change to another rental area in Offenburg, simply use one of the following:
- change the preset location in the 'Pick-up' field in the above form;
- click on one of the links below;
- use the map of Offenburg on this page.

Offenburg Train Station
Offenburg - Downtown Center
Map of Offenburg with rental locations
Rental process for Offenburg

Car hire system offers vehicles for rent at the rental location 'Offenburg - Downtown Center'. We carefully maintain largest up-to-date database with actual offers from most of the rental suppliers in Germany. Due to this, we are able to find the best and cheapest rental options for your specified location and dates.

Reservation can be done in three fast and simple steps - search by your dates and location in Germany, select a car, and input your personal data. Upon reception of your order, we will send you a confirmation voucher by email. Before completing your reservation, please check the rental conditions of the selected car carefully.

Upon arrival to the 'Offenburg - Downtown Center' rental office, please provide your confirmation voucher, driving license and credit card to an officer. The credit card is required for payment and deposit. The deposit amount is usually equivalent to the amount of the largest insurance franchise specified in your voucher.

Before leaving the office at the pick-up time, verify the invoice issued by the officer and compare the invoice data with the data in your voucher!

Car pick-up: inspect the car body, wheels, windows and interior for chips, scratches, dents and other defects. Validate that all found defects are described in your rental document.

We wish you a great driving experience on the roads of Offenburg!

Frequently asked questions on the rental process

Sightseeings of Offenburg large neighbour - Baden-Baden
For many travellers from different countries of the world Baden-Baden is closely associated with healing springs, luxurious casinos and horse races that take place at the internationally famous hippodrome Iffezheim. The massive horse races, which attract many travelers from different parts of the world, are without a doubt the most significant event in the life of the city. The large-scale sporting events are organized here three times a year. The end of May is the time for a holiday called "Spring Meeting", in late August the locals enjoy the competition called "Big Week", and in the end of October the locals celebrate «Sales & Racing Festival», which is also accompanied by entertaining sports competitions.

The city has many interesting traditions connected with conduction of sporting events. For example, the fair sex visitors absolutely must wear a charming hat at the hippodrome. There are many trading pavilions near the hippodrome that sell hundreds of designs of clothes and hats, so you will be easily able to select a proper outfit for the holiday. Champagne remains the most popular holiday drink. Before the start of the races all the guests gather on a spacious terrace in front of the Hippodrome, where they are welcome to try excellent food and delicious snacks. While enjoying the meal, you can see how the horses are prepared for the race, and once the breakfast is over, all visitors are invited to return to their places. Horse racing has long become a good national tradition, so visiting the legendary Iffezheim hippodrome is the dream of every traveler.
Read further...
Frequently asked questions on car rental process
Rental conditions
Changing your booking
Cancelling your booking
Confirmation voucher
Crossing borders
Fuel conditions
Age restrictions
Extra services
Insurance types
Driving license
What does the price include
Secure Connection
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