Car Rental in Havre St-pierre

Car rental office in Havre St-pierre
The only available rental office in Havre St-pierre - 'Havre St. Pierre' is located by the address 1224, Des Acadiens, Havre St-pierre, G0g 1p0, Canada, Quebec (shown on the map).
Map of Havre St-pierre with rental locations
Nuances of hiring and using cars in Havre St-pierre

Wide choice of offers. is collecting absolutely all offers from the majority of vehicle providers in Havre St-pierre, therefore we are able to select and offer you the best rental options for almost any dates. Besides vehicles of standard types, we also provide in Canada such rare car types as cabriolets, limousines, crossovers, and minivans.

The search form on the left side allows checking available cars in Havre St-pierre not only by dates, but also by desired vehicle types. If needed, it is also possible to indicate that you wish to return your vehicle at another location in Canada.

The booking process consists of three phases: search by your dates and location in Havre St-pierre, selection of desired car type, and filling in the reservation forms. Once you have completed your request, we will send a confirmation voucher to your email address. To avoid misunderstandings, we encourage you to read the rental conditions of your selected car prior to completion of your booking.

To avoid surprises at the rental desk in Havre St-pierre, read the rental and cancellation conditions for the selected car prior to making the booking. The free-of-charge cancellations should always be made 48 hours in advance and online, by following the corresponding link in your voucher.

If the voucher specifies the 'Meet and greet' policy, then you should arrive to the specified location in Havre St-pierre and look around for your rental officer. In case of delays, please make a call to the rental desk (the phone number is indicated in the voucher).

We wish you an exciting journey around Havre St-pierre!

Frequently asked questions on the rental process

Exploring Canada by car
Canada is a huge country. It is the world’s second-largest country by total area and by land area. This results in a large number of districts and a variety of weather conditions. A temperate climate prevails almost throughout Canada and only in the north of the country is it subarctic, which is due not only to the fact that the country is located close to the Arctic Ocean but also as a result of the influence of oceanic winds from the west. The winter in the country is very cold, while during summer there is practically no days with exhausting heat. Therefore in the north of the country, near the Arctic Ocean, the air temperature reaches up to -30°C in winter. On the other hand, in summer it keeps close to zero. In the west side of Canada, the temperature regime is determined by the warm current of the Pacific Ocean. Winter in this area is rather mild, with average air temperature of about 4°C. In summer however, the temperature is above 20°C. Behind the polar circle, the temperature is always below zero. In the south side, the average temperature is about 21°C in summer.

On the east coast, the weather is unstable due to the collision of Atlantic and continental air masses. Due to such processes in winter, there are often snowfalls, storms, and frequent changes of atmospheric pressure. The greatest amount of precipitation falls on the ocean coasts; up to 2,500 millimeters per year. In the rest of the country, precipitation ranges from 150 millimeters to 1,250 millimeters per year. Near the oceans, the climate differs from the continental one. In the east, the influence of the Atlantic leads to snowfalls and heavy precipitation. On the west coast, near the Pacific, the climate is mild and moderate but these climatic conditions do not extend to the continent because the Rocky Mountains prevent it from happening. These mountains have their impact on the central part of the country, which is called “the Canadian Prairies”. A big part of it experiences continental dry climates.
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Frequently asked questions on car rental process
Rental conditions
Changing your booking
Cancelling your booking
Confirmation voucher
Crossing borders
Fuel conditions
Age restrictions
Extra services
Insurance types
Driving license
What does the price include
Secure Connection
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5632 CW, The Netherlands
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