In the holiday season, the most popular vacation spots are the embankment and the Frunze Park. There are always a lot of people here; even late at night on the embankment you can meet couples strolling leisurely. It often hosts various concerts, festivals, and sometimes sports events. In the off-season, as well as at the height of hot summer, the embankment remains an excellent place for hiking, many guests of the resort they remain a favorite entertainment. If you go to the sea through Frunze Street, you can find a pump-room of mineral water on the way, where everyone can try therapeutic water. Fans of outdoor activities will certainly like the "Avangard" stadium, where a wonderful modern go-kart functions. For tourists trips to interesting natural attractions are arranged, during which they can appreciate the unique nature of these fertile places. At the intersection of Pushkin and Frunze streets a magnificent arboretum begins, so you can enjoy the natural splendor without leaving the resort. In summer, attractions for children are always installed on the territory of a beautiful park. The main value of the resort is beautiful beaches, where you can swim practically all year round. The most popular and lively beaches are located next to the walkway, where vacationers are offered diverse leisure activities with the most unusual entertainment. On a hot day you can have a great time in the Frunze Park, where you will especially enjoy resting for children. Here for the
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