Ukrainians are Slavs; more than a half of the population is Ukrainians, then Russians, Poles, Belarusians, and Romanians. Residents of Western Ukraine speak mainly Ukrainian, while those in Eastern Ukraine speak Russian. The state language of Ukraine remains the Ukrainian language. Ukrainians are hospitable people; they like to invite guests to their home and always lay rich tables for them. The guest of a Ukrainian home brings a pie or a cake, a bouquet of flowers for the hostess and a souvenir for the kids; it is better to bring everything at once. The number of flowers in the bouquet should be strictly odd, as an even number is only suitable for the cemetery. The residents of Ukraine love long conversations; they tell stories about themselves and other people quite well. They also like to listen to someone’s stories as well. Ukrainians can embarrass a foreign guest with numerous questions asked out of sheer curiosity. Ukrainians love to sing, especially during a feast.
Fancy shopping centers with expensive brands’ shops, noisy markets where sounds mix, colors and smells, cozy departmental stores hidden in yards and …
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Among the Ukrainian holidays and holiday traditions, there are those well-known to Europeans, for example, the New Year and the First of May holidays. …
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While meeting with unfamiliar and little-known persons, men shake hands, sometimes even buddies and friends greet this way. Shaking hands in gloves is not common. More often, during the greeting, close friends pat each other on the shoulders and back. Women who have not known long can shake hands. Men and women in official situations exchange handshakes too. Women welcome close acquaintances of both sexes with a kiss on the cheek. In public transport, Ukrainians are expected to give way to women with little children or heavy bags, pregnant women, elderly people of both sexes and people with disabilities. Ukrainians usually surround elderly people with honor, as it has been established from time immemorial.
Ukraine is known for the natural beauty of the steppes, the mysticism of the Carpathian Mountains, the endless blue sky and the gold cereals that …
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Ukraine is known for its interesting alcohol culture. Alcoholic beverages such as horilka and medovukha seem inseparable from the image of the country. It is considered indecent to refuse to drink, and the refusal to drink at a funeral of a martyr is regarded as disrespect and even an insult to the memory of the late. Poured alcohol is expected to be drunk completely. Strong and not so strong drinks accompany all celebrations, including church holidays. Ukrainians can get drunk, but there are few drunkards among them. Basically, alcohol is considered as a means to relax in the company of friends or relatives, and people who drink alone and without reason are given the stink eye.