1. Those who want to visit the Marjan park are recommended to go for a walk early in the morning. The park is located in a mountainous area, so in the middle of the day it may be difficult to climb the mountain because of the hot sun. Don’t forget to take a bottle of water, because there are no shops and cafes in this area.
2. Besides souvenirs you can buy excellent city guides and booklets describing the sights in the Ribica store. It should be noted that they are represented in a variety of languages.
3. The city has a huge range of hotels and hotels of different classes. Budget travelers and those who are traveling in a big company have to pay attention to private apartments. You can rent them literally in every house.
4. Travelers who expect a rich excursion program have to buy a Split Card. It entitles you to free admission to a number of cultural venues. The cost of the card is about 5 euros. Many hotels give a card to their guests for free.
6. Tourists who expect to save on food have to pay attention to the Konzum grocery retailer. The choice of items there is great and prices are the most attractive in the city.
7. Travelers arriving to Split airport can reach the city center on one of the buses; this way is the cheapest. As a rule, breaks between buses aren’t more than half an hour. The fee is paid to the driver.
Guests of Split won’t experience any shortage of things to do; tours to historical monuments can be successfully combined with walks around the shops, scenic parks and entertainment … Open