Several years ago the city celebrated its two hundredth birthday. It was founded in 1794 by order of Catherine II. Odessa has always been the main port city of the Black Sea coast. Tourists are attracted by the city’s good traditions and hospitality, beautiful architecture and spacious beaches.
Odessa meets its guests with numerous gastronomy establishments of different trends. Tourists will find small cozy cafés for sweets addicts, numerous pizza houses for genuine Italian treat … Open
Cultural life in Odessa is rich in original holidays and exciting festivals. Many of the events are of global significance and attract a heavy traffic of foreign tourists. One of such events … Open
An interesting symbol of the city is the Potemkin Stairs. According to historical data, it appeared in this place long before Odessa was founded. The steps lead to the top of a hill on which a Turkish fortress once stood. The Potemkin Stairs have been preserved almost completely; during the last reconstruction in 1933, it lost only 8 of their steps. The whole stairway was asphalted, and beautiful pink granite was used for its finishing. Today on the top of the hill there is a beautiful park where you can walk among the trees, admire some interesting monuments and appreciate the city's panorama.
Each street of the city of Odessa features plenty of landmarks and monuments of historic significance. It is rather hard to distinguish the most important sights and landmarks among them. … Open
A beautiful historic building houses Odessa Museum of Western and Oriental art that opened back in the year 1923. The museum's exposition is considered to be one of the largest in the country. Its walls keep a unique collection of works by European and Asian artists and sculptors, as well as many works of art dating back to ancient times.
Odessa is a popular tourist destination in Ukraine which offers its guests various entertainments fitting each taste and budget. Open air leisure enthusiasts should necessarily visit the … Open
The city's most unusual architectural monument can be called Odessa Passage built back in the 19th century. Today, the beautiful historic building with a glass roof houses a prestigious hotel and several boutiques. In the pre-revolutionary period, it housed the city's most prestigious shops. The main feature of the building is a locomotive adorning its roof.