Kaohsiung is the second-largest city in Taiwan. These days, this settlement is a modern industrial center. Moreover, this is the largest international port in the country. Tourists and travelers enjoy visiting Kaohsiung because besides a great number of shops, restaurants, and vibrant city life that doesn’t slow down after sunset this city has many internationally acclaimed landmarks. The surrounding nature is also amazing and impresses generations of guests. Stunning mountain rivers, high ridges, and numerous secret monasteries hidden among rocks look absolutely mesmerizing. Historical records mention Kaohsiung in the 16th century. It is worth mentioning that the city changed its name several times in the past. Initially, the settlement was famous as Takau. When the Dutch colonized the area, they decided to give a new name to the town, changing Takau to Tancoia. After that, Ming loyalists changed the name to Banlian-chiu. It different years, the settlement was Takau again, then Takao, and after that, finally, it became Kaohsiung. In 1819, the town was already an important center of trade. The strategic location of Kaohsiung and a large port were the main drivers of the economic success of this city. At the end of the 90s of the 19th century, the Empire of Japan captured the city. Once again, Kaohsiung started developing actively under the new rule. The Japanese built a complete industrial hub with numerous crude oil processing factories and numerous steelworks.
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