Brest is a very ancient city, one of the first, which was founded on the Belarusian land. It developed swiftly and confidently. It was a military fortress, a trading city, and an important customs center. The city has preserved historical objects of various epochs, familiarity with which will allow one to fully appreciate its multifaceted culture. The famous Brest Fortress, built in the 19th century deserves separate attention. Its name has long been a household name. The fortress was built immediately after the Patriotic War of 1812, although the construction projects were developed much earlier. The brilliant military engineers of that time - Feldman, Maletsky and Opperman, worked on the fortress project. Six years was spent on the construction of the fortress. It consisted of a mighty Citadel and many other fortifications on the banks of the Western Bug and the Mukhovets River. Around the Citadel itself there were many additional structures, and in the thickness of earthen ramparts there were casemates, which were additionally protected by two-meter walls. Museum of Railway Technology, founded recently, in 2002 will be very interesting for lovers of history. The exposition of the museum is unique and incredibly interesting. It includes more than 50 different carriages and locomotives of the last century. No less interesting are the expositions of the Archaeological Museum "Berestye". It is here that you can learn about the important events that the ancient city and
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